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For currently licensed Version 10 users only. Download the Progeny Web update below.
Release Notes
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10113)
Scheduled, 11/13/2020Bug Fixes
- FHQ - Search for 'Patients who meet specific criteria' query not working
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10113)
Scheduled, 8/11/2020Bug Fixes
- RISK - Boadicea web export does not export the motherid correctly
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10112)
Scheduled, 01/15/2020Enhancements
- FHQ – All new reminders sent will now change the status to “Reminder Sent” rather then “Invite Sent”
- FHQ – “Questionnaire Started” status to be removed completely. Any existing questionnaires in that status will be replaced with “Partially Completed”
Bug Fixes
- FHQ – Automated reminders would have issues sending if a FHQ configuration was deleted
- FHQ – Issues saving newly created questionnaires when using FHQ SSO
- FHQ – User was unable to add invite level fields to invite status and invite queries
- LETTER GENERATION – Uncommon issue where pedigrees were taking up more space then excepted and causing more pages to generate
- MAIN – Intermittent issue where certain folders would not appear when adding new individuals
- FHQ – Issue adding Half-siblings when the parents in that pedigree have been modified outside of questionnaire
- MAIN – Rare issue adding fields to the smart list when they share an ID with system fields
- Referral Criteria – Relatives with breast cancer would occasionally appear as criteria when it should not be listed
- SINGLE-SIGN-ON – It can now read subjects as excepted as part of SAML 2.0 rather then requesting a username
- SPREADSHEET – Issue searching for Test Result fields in individual spreadsheets
- DATASHEET – Issue handling zero with computed field calculations which lead to an error in the datasheet
- DATASHEET – Issue in Chrome saving dates with Non-US locales
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10110)
Scheduled, 10/9/2019New Features
- PATIENT LOOKUP – This new module allows the patients to look themselves up in Progeny with a special link and then launch a questionnaire or continue an existing one. The patient will go through a short set of validations including a customizable unique identifier such as MRN and their date of birth. An option was also added to allow patients to create new records for themselves in Progeny.
- FHQ – “Required Field not filled” was translated for Spanish questionnaires
- FHQ – Arrows added in edit questionnaires to scroll through tabs when screen is too small to show all tabs at once
- FHQ – Option added to auto-run Referral Criteria at the end of the questionnaire
- MAIN – Session timeout overlay with reload button added throughout application
- MAIN – Various Optimizations added to improve overall speed of application
- REFERRAL CRITERIA – Speed improvements and optimizations added when running referral criteria to avoid high CPU issues
Bug Fixes
- AMBRY ORDERS - Having over 1,000 Orders caused the pagination to go off the screen to the bottom which lead to an additional scroll bar to appear
- FHQ - Invites Status results did not refresh on filter change after changing to one that had no results
- FHQ – Pedigree pop-up at the end of the questionnaire would not render correctly on Internet Explorer
- LETTER GENERATION – Generated letters for Word would occasionally appear on the same page
- MAIN – Actions menu throughout application would occasionally require two clicks when clicked a certain way
- PEDIGREE - "Adopted In" in twin relationships were displaying as "Adopted Out"
- PEDIGREE – Certain letters would get slightly cut off in the footer
- PEDIGREE - Subtext system fields are were not translated to Japanese when there were multiple fields per line
- PEDIGREE - Twins Relationship line was not displaying '?' when relationship is labeled as unknown
- USER MAINTENANCE - Creating and adding users did not to work when using a remote rhino setup
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10108)
Unplanned, 9/9/2019Bug Fixes
- AMBRY ORDERS - Orders placed would always be placed for the first clinician ID in the list rather than the one chosen
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10108)
Scheduled, 8/5/2019New Features
- REFERRAL CRITERIA – Users will now be able to determine if individuals meet referral or testing criteria based off various national guidelines for breast/ovarian, colorectal, and other cancers. Six new fields have been added to encompass all this new data and can be used throughout the application including spreadsheets and letter generation. This can be calculated alongside the current risk models and will be reflected in the existing risk panel on the left side of the pedigree. The PDF risk report was also updated to reflect this new data as needed.
- MAIN – Various improvements to improve the speed of initially loading the login page of the application
- SINGLE SIGN-ON – Multiple configurations are now allowed. A new default checkbox has been added in the config to decide which one is the default for logins done through the Progeny application
- SPREADHSEET – Major speed improvements when test result fields are being used
- SPREADSHEET – Speed improvements with certain summary fields
- TEST RESULTS – All system summary fields for test results have been adjusted to catch different variations of the classifications
Bug Fixes
- CONFIG - Error when saving CSS changes on for FHQ
- DATASHEET – Issue with field validations saying that there was a validation error even though none existed
- PEDIGREE – An error would occasionally been thrown when the user quickly closes the pedigree after editing a datasheet
- SINGLE SIGN-ON – Exceptions would intermittently be thrown when logging in
- SINGLE SIGN-ON – Logout URL could not be removed from config
- SINGLE SIGN-ON – Profile image for new users was broken
- SPREADSHEET – Values not in the dropdown for a lookup table would disappear when being entered
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10106)
Unplanned, 6/26/2019Bug Fixes
- LOGIN - Web application doesn't allow users to login
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10101)
Unplanned, 6/24/2019Bug Fixes
- PEDIGREE - Error when opening or creating large pedigrees
- PEDIGREE - Pedigree Properties were not shared within a folder as expected
- FHQ - Generic link after performing an update of the application would throw an error that required a clear of the browser cache
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10101)
Unplanned, 6/7/2019Bug Fixes
- PWL – Cloud Tomcats crash on ProgenyServer.dll as a result of patient searching
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10101)
Unplanned, 5/20/2019Bug Fixes
- MAIN - Application did not function correctly on Internet Explorer
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10101)
Scheduled, 5/14/2019Enhancements
- FHQ – Significant speed increase to invites list load times in Invite Status
- FHQ – Terms Of Use updated to a shortened version with a link at the end to the whole terms
- FHQ - The size of the checkboxes in the family table have been increased
- MAIN – Improvements made to initial load time of the login screen
- SPREADSHEET – Table Date fields now export as “Date” type instead of “General” for XLS/XLSX
- TEST RESULTS – Fallback file for manually inputted genes updated
- USER MAINTEANCE – Improvements made to tab order for the fields on the right side
Bug Fixes
- AMBRY ORDERS - Placing an Ambry Order sometimes display an error message and duplicates orders when clicking button very quickly
- FHQ - Invites Admin permission sometimes did not work correctly when using class based options
- FHQ - Invites list intermittently gets stuck and only loads the first 50 when using filters
- FHQ – Next button would intermittently not work correctly when tables are present and the network connection is temporarily lost
- FHQ – Returning to the Relatives Invites page after initially entering data causes that Data to shift to the right
- FHQ - Spanish translation of Password fixed
- LETTER GENERATION - Opening Letter Generation from pedigree canvas and then closing the tab before the letter generates caused an error to appear
- MAIN – Arrow icon next to folders was misplaced
- MAIN - Entering a username longer than twenty characters in Progeny causes Tomcat to crash
- PEDIGREE - Computed/Summary pedigree level fields did not differentiate between pedigree and sub-pedigrees
- PEDIGREE – New instances of the Marked By Symbol “+” did not save
- SINGLE SIGN ON - New SAML config did not save
- TEST RESULTS - "Status", "Submitted Date" and "Reported Date" should not be modifiable for orders placed through Ambry Port
- TEST RESULTS – Various UI Improvements to Test Results module
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10091)
Unplanned, 3/21/2019Bug Fixes
- PEDIGREE - Risk was failing to run
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10091)
Unplanned, 3/7/2019Bug Fixes
- PEDIGREE - Sub-pedigree can't open due to table summary appearing in symbols format
- FHQ – Invites not loading correctly
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10091)
Scheduled, 2/26/2019Enhancements
- FHQ – Error message shown when the link is wrong or outdated has been updated to make it clearer
- MAIN – Network connection lost message re-worded
- PEDGIREE – Split datasheet overlay when loading the datasheet is now shown upon initially loading the format
- FHQ – Network retry policy will show on top of the pop-ups in the questionnaire
- FHQ – It will now allow the user to create a username/password for an individual’s questionnaires when the initial questionnaire was launched through the “Launch New Questionnaire” option
Bug Fixes
- TEST RESULTS - Ambry Portal required sign in when clicking on the PDF automatically uploaded in Test Results table with Ambry orders
- TEST RESULTS – Test Details dropdowns were popping down below the window
- TEST RESULTS – Test Details columns would shift unexpectedly when the dropdowns were close to the bottom
- MAIN – The subtext font for the folder you were clicked into, rather than the one you searched would appear when opening the pedigree
- TEST RESULTS – Occasional issue pulling up test results before they were fully saved to the database
- TEST RESULTS – VUS Results system field will not take into consideration “Variant of Unknown Significance” being fully typed out
- USER MAINTENANCE – Network retry policy would not work in this module
- MAIN – Tomcat 9.0.14 and newer being used would result in the web application not loading correctly
- PEDIGREE – In rare cases with certain scale settings, re-opening a pedigree would not have the mouse cursor register the correct location on the pedigree
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10089)
Unplanned, 2/20/2019Bug Fixes
- PEDIGREE - Upon saving, exiting and re-entering the pedigree, Added Text would be filled with %20's between each word
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10089)
Unplanned, 2/8/2019Bug Fixes
- PEDIGREE - Issue opening pedigrees that have stepmother relationships
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10089)
Unplanned, 2/5/2019Bug Fixes
- SINGLE SIGN ON - Profile format is being incorrectly assigned to the default profile upon login
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10089)
Scheduled, 1/21/2019Enhancements
- MAIN – Date added to error popup dialog boxes
- MAIN - Major improvements made so that a lost connection to the server will show a new message showing that the connection was lost after the retry policy has been exhausted. If connection to the server has been re-established, you will be able to continue where you left off.
- MAIN – Security improvements made to forgot password workflow
- PEDIGREE – Overlay introduced when loading and switching between individual split datasheets in a pedigree until data is fully loaded
- SINGLE SIGN ON - Extended SSO solution authorization so it accepts detailed information about folder level access
- SPREADSHEET – Speed and efficiency optimizations made to loading large spreadsheets
- TEST RESULTS – “Single-Gene” added as an option to all test dropdowns for all labs
Bug Fixes
- AMBRY ORDERS – If pathology is not mapped and the other dropdowns options for the cancer history table are mapped, you would receive an error trying to place a test order
- EXPORT - Number fields could not be exported in Excel format from spreadsheets
- MAIN – Pedigree external link was taking up a GLS concurrency
- MAIN – The “X” for certain dialog boxes would be replaced with an “A” or other characters when using Tomcat 9
- TEST RESULTS – Dropdown options under “Test” appeared jumbled up
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10084)
Unplanned, 12/7/2018Bug Fixes
- PEDIGREE - Attempting to create pedigrees when a user has access to only one folder did not work correctly
- MAIN - Click-Thru Agreement was re-prompting users to agree when it should not
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10084)
Scheduled, 11/8/2018Enhancements
- AMBRY ORDERS – Tyrer-Cuzick Lifetime Breast Score is now sent over with orders placed if one exists
- FHQ – Deceased relatives no longer show up on the Relatives Invites page
- MAIN – Improvements made to how the application appears on Microsoft Edge
- TEST RESULTS – Significant Optimizations to the entire module
Bug Fixes
- AMBRY ORDERS - Microsatellite analysis (MSI) was not coming over correctly
- INVITES MODULE – System fields had the incorrect folder structure when adding columns
- PEDIGREE – Certain conditions would occasionally cause the pedigree image in risk reports and saved images to show a black box
- PEDIGREE – Having the pedigree icon size set at large sizes would intermittently cause the program to crash when moving the symbols legend
- PEDIGREE – Sub-Pedigrees did not show table data in the subtext
- TEST RESULTS – Certain problems while loading tests and genes would cause it to not fallback to the proper files when it failed
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10083)
Scheduled, 9/19/2018Enhancements
- FHQ – Additional Spanish translations added
- MAIN – Optimizations to improve smartlist load times throughout the application
- MAIN – Retry policy implemented to help alleviate issues with network drops and lag
- PEDIGREE – Improvements to printing with better error messages, and it will now always print to one tab rather than opening multiple tabs
- PEDIGREE – Rules and logic added in so that having two probands should never happen
- SINGLE SIGN ON - IDP initiated SSO now available
- TEST RESULTS – Caching improvements made so it is less likely to fail when pulling up the list of labs/tests/genes for manual input
- TEST RESULTS – Fallback file for manually inputted genes updated
Bug Fixes
- FHQ – Deleting email templates causes deletion of questionnaires
- FHQ – Returning to delete a row in the half-siblings table requires adding a blank row before an editable row is available
- MAIN - When running 3 or more web apps using one Tomcat instance you can only access one application at a time in the same browser session
- PATIENTS SCREEN - The Patient tab list disappears after creating a new pedigree then clicking back on the patient’s tab
- PEDIGREE - Hooks are being placed incorrectly for certain relationships
- PEDIGREE - Printing a pedigree close to the margin occasionally causes it to print one to three additional blank pages
- PEDIGREE - Reassigning the proband after sub-pedigree creation generates error message
- PEDIGREE - Split datasheet locks up when switching between individuals quickly
- PEDIGREE – Sub-pedigrees are not displaying pedigree level field content
- RISK – PANCPRO and MELAPRO mutation probabilities show as zero after the report has been saved even when it was not zero to start with
- RISK – The field mapped to “PR” was not being sent over to the BRCAPro algorithm
- TEST RESULTS – Manually entered test results would not appear on Internet Explorer until the cache is cleared
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10083)
Unplanned, 8/29/2018New Features
- Bayes Mendel 2.1.3 – Latest version of Bayes Mendel
- FHQ - "Open Questionnaire" option added to invites tab of pedigrees and individual’s modules
- FHQ – Various improvements made to make auto-running risk at the end of the questionnaire faster and more reliable
- FHQ – Various Spanish translations added
- MAIN - A Full family pedigree can now be generated remotely through a Progeny service API and would be immediately viewable in an external system using our hyperlink integration
- MAMMOGRAPHY WORKFLOW – Transmit to EMR event upon submission of questionnaires is no longer tied to risk
- RISK - Bayes Mendel 2.1.3 update – Latest version of Bayes Mendel which includes support for twins on all Bayes models
- RISK – Validation errors now save along with the normal results whenever save is triggered
- SPREADSHEET – Date and number fields now export into Excel as data and number types respectively
- SPREADSHEET– Improved performance when test results fields are used
- TEST RESULTS – New genes added to default gene list for manual input
- TEST RESULTS – Support for multiple variants per gene for Ambry placed orders
Bug Fixes
- AMBRY ORDERS – Orders screen would still apply even when it’s not checked off in security
- DATASHEET – Multiple spaces were not allowed in fields
- FHQ - Auto-running risk generates an empty pdf with just the pedigree when there are no results due to validation errors
- FHQ – Certain tables would not allow you to continue in the questionnaire when fields are not filled out
- FHQ – Help button does not work on login page
- LOGIN - Hitting enter when changing the password after getting the email reset link gives you strange error
- MAIN – Web to database connection with TLS encryption has issues on Windows Server environments
- PEDIGREE - "Child already has mother" error when adding children to a male, and then adding a mother to children
- PEDIGREE - If a user has "read folder" permission to a parent folder but not "Add Ped" permission, they cannot access the sub-folder to add a new pedigree
- PEDIGREE – Line was not automatically making the correct sibling relationship when attaching child to other spouses
- PEDIGREE – Pedigree would sometimes be pushed further to the right than expected when symbols legend is large
- PEDIGREE - Symbols legend does not fit to page in certain cases when the legend is very long
- PEDIGREE – Failure to create pedigree when there are multiple spouses
- PEDIGREE – Error when trying to view pedigree using generated URL
- SINGLE SIGN ON – Nameid can start with a digit or spaces requiring multiple refreshes
- SPREADSHEET – Adding rows to tables would intermittently replace existing data
- SPREADSHEET - Columns headers become unaligned when moving the scroll bar at the bottom for a long set of results
- SPREADSHEET - Duplicates intermittently show up in spreadsheets
- TEST RESULTS - Pedigree subtext and the IDS does not update immediately upon Test Results changes
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10080)
Unplanned, 7/5/2018Bug Fixes
- TEST RESULTS - Results are displaying for users when it should be hidden
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10080)
Unplanned, 6/28/2018Bug Fixes
- GENERAL - Progeny Web application under higher load may run out of memory resulting in login screen not responding to requests
- TEST RESULTS - Orders module not available on some environments
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10080)
Unplanned, 6/14/2018Bug Fixes
- TEST RESULTS - Security permissions were not taking into account genetic test results properly
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10076)
Unplanned, 5/16/2018Bug Fixes
- DATABASE - Notifications table would unexpectedly grow causing issues with performance of the application
- FHQ - Pop-up is not occurring when adding a row to a table in the questionnaire when the Table datasheet has a default format
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10067)
Unplanned, 5/3/2018Bug Fixes
- CONFIG - Issues with connecting the web application to a remote database
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10067)
Unplanned, 4/26/2018Bug Fixes
- MAIN - Forgot Password not functioning correctly
- SAMPLE SPREADSHEETS - Spreadsheet results in error when table date fields are used
- FHQ - Missing French translations
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10067)
Scheduled, 4/9/2018New Features
- Extended Ambry Field Mapping - Currently, you can only map a few fields from Progeny to AP2 when you place a test order. This will allow you to map over significantly more fields than you could before, so they can be pre-populated when a test order is placed. This should significantly decrease the amount of time spent placing an Ambry order.
- Forgot Password on Login Page - Users will be able to reset their own password on the web. There will be a “Forgot Password” button on the login page. If a user enters their username, e-mail, and select the correct database connection, they will receive a password reset e-mail. This functionality will also auto-unlock users that were locked from too many login attempts.
- FHQ - French is now an option for questionnaires. When set, all coded parts of the questionnaire will be in French
- MAIN - The Help Button link will now direct you to the Learning Center for better support
- MAMMO WORKFLOW - "E-mail Template Name" column has been removed from the "Launch New Questionnaire" screen
- MAMMO WORKFLOW - "Open Questionnaire" will restart the questionnaire like it does for normal invites once the questionnaire has been completed
Bug Fixes
- ACTIONS - Prompt per Sample has issues when used with required fields
- FHQ - New Invite in Actions for a singlet does not show family-level questionnaires
- FHQ - Spanish translation on the pedigree viewer at the end of the questionnaire no longer works
- LOGIN - If you have more than 14 database connections, the connection list will not display entirely
- MAIN - The folder structure is no longer indented when using +New Pedigree
- PEDIGREE - Cannot change the gender of a spouse of an unknown individual
- PEDIGREE - Intermittent issues when trying to print and the scale is set under 25
- PEDIGREE - Pathogenic Results system field is not displaying on subtext formats
- PEDIGREES - When hooks are used, cousins on the same line do not have a one
- PRINT REACTIONS - Does not function correctly when multiple labels per row are set
- RISK - BRCAPRO fails to run when age entered for Mastectomy is higher than age entered for Breast Cancer diagnosis
- RISK - Creating the new fields for Tyrer-Cuzick 8 is also creating a new current age and remapping that field
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10065)
Unplanned, 3/6/2018Enhancements
- Database – Progeny Web now supports encrypted exchange of data between web server and database
Bug Fixes
- FHQ – "Send Reminder" option that allows user to send one-time reminder for selected invite sends it with incorrect link contained
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10058)
Scheduled, 2/21/2018Progeny will no longer support 32-bit installations as of The application will still run, but we cannot guarantee its stability. Please reference our minimum system requirements document for more information. Please feel free to contact Progeny Support at so that we could help you determine what the best course of action is.
Minimum System Requirements
New Features
- TEST RESULTS – New Test results module added so that Ambry Tests will automatically be populated per individuals. There will be notifications viewable throughout all of Progeny letting the user know when test results are reported or cancelled. For other labs, it will still auto-populate the genes for popular panels when manually inputting data into the new module.
- MAMMOGRAPHY WORKFLOW – The ability to launch a new questionnaire directly for an individual or continue an existing one while skipping the login page has been added. The ability to auto-run risk at the end of a questionnaire for any risk model has been added as well.
- TYRER-CUZICK 8 – This is the latest version of Tyrer-Cuzick and includes 4 new fields
- FHQ – Invites Admin option added to the security options in user maintenance. Users without this option will only have access to the invites module and no longer have access to Edit Questionnaire or Email Templates. For users and profiles that do not have the "Use class based options" box checked, it will default to those users having access to the "Invites Admin". All classes will default to not having access to "Invites Admin".
- MAIN – System fields have been separated into 3 unique folders throughout all of Progeny: System Fields, Risk, and Test Results.
- PEDIGREE- Overlay added when loading pedigrees to prevent errors before pedigree is fully loaded.
- RISK - First Name, Last Name, and Validation now have a tool tip if the text becomes too long for the given space.
- MAIN - Pedigree name now updates after renaming without refreshing the screen.
- FHQ – Mother and Father UPN are now #2 and #3 respectively as they were in previous versions of Progeny.
- FHQ - Updated text on reset password screen to make more apparent that the username is required to be entered in.
- FHQ – Additional Dutch translations for the login screen and the family-builder table.
Bug Fixes
- FHQ - Table scroll bar covers up trashcans that deletes rows.
- RISK - An error message is thrown for BRCAPro when the Breast Tumor Markers: ER, CK14, and CK5.6 are 'Positive' or 'Negative' and the individual has breast cancer. Validation message now added for these cases.
- FIELDS - Adding space to the front and/or back of a dropdown value intermittently caused issues in various modules.
- PEDIGREE - Added Text kept defaulting back to Arial size 9.
- WORKFLOWS - Brackets display as '(' and ')' instead of actual brackets when included in the name of a workflow stage.
- PEDIGREES - Cousins on the same line do not have a hook.
- SPREADSHEET – Complex queries with table fields occasionally led to errors.
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10030)
Unplanned, 1/4/2018Enhancements
- SSO – Removed NameIDPolicy attribute from SAML SSO XML properties
Bug Fixes
- FHQ – Certain emails are sent repeatedly
- IPAD – Unable to connect through iPad app to Progeny Web server updated to version 10.1.2.x
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10030)
Unplanned, 11/21/2017Bug Fixes
- MAIN - Changing certain e-mail settings causes e-mails being sent out to fail
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10030)
Unplanned, 11/15/2017Bug Fixes
- REACTIONS - Print reactions fail to produce printable PDF file
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10030)
Unplanned, 11/7/2017Bug Fixes
- MAIN - Various intermittent issues with the e-mail scheduler were resolved
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10030)
Scheduled, 8/10/2017Enhancements
- FHQ - Save button added to print pedigree screen at the end of the questionnaire
- FHQ - Privacy Policy in Spanish Terms of Use updated with a different link to the translation
- FHQ - Loading spinner with a 1 second delay added after clicking Next or Submit during the questionnaire
- FHQ - Added Dutch translation for "Add Sibling" button
Bug Fixes
- DATASHEET - Printing stopped functioning in internet explorer because of a recent update from Microsoft
- DATASHEET - Fields in tables with many columns appear outside of tables
- FHQ - Renaming pedigrees at the end of the questionnaire no longer works
- MAIN - Cannot unlock invite in the individuals pane in the Pedigrees module
- PEDIGREE - Changing the subtext format for sub-pedigrees creates an error
- PEDIGREE - Deselecting an individual and clicking show datasheet will occasionally lead to errors
- PEDIGREE – Double clicking to open an individual on internet explorer when the split datasheet is already open will lead to multiple errors
- PRINT REACTIONS - Cannot save page dimensions unless they are whole numbers
- RISK - Menopause age is being cutoff in the PDF report
- SAMPLES - Searching for a sample will not allow moving of that sample to the next stage
- SPREADSHEET - Entering data into a split spreadsheet does not reflect on the pedigree subtext
- SPREADSHEET - Opening up a full datasheet in internet explorer while a split datasheet is open will result in errors
- SPREADSHEET - Pedigree spreadsheets do not function when table-level date fields are included
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10020)
Scheduled, 5/9/2017Enhancements
- AMBRY ORDERS – Expected and Docs columns from AmbryPort added to orders screen
- DATASHEET - Scroll improvements for tables
- FHQ - Ability to invite multiple individuals to a questionnaire at a time
- LOGIN - Ability to integrate with SAML based Single-Sign On solutions
- MAIN - Lists in all modules will now display an appropriate message when there is nothing to display or a search has no results
- RISK - All risk and mutation probabilities are now rounded to the hundredth place in the risk pane and the pdf report for greater accuracy
- RISK - Any value between 0 and 1 will round up to 1 for risk calculations
- SPREADSHEET - Column spacing now persists for all spreadsheet modules
Bug Fixes
- FHQ - The invite workflow is enforcing delete pedigree permission not allowing you to exit or cancel out of the workflow
- FHQ - Fit to page option for printing the pedigree at the end of the questionnaire does not function correctly
- FHQ - In certain scenarios, duplicate usernames were allowed to be created
- LETTER GENERATION - More spacing between bullet points than expected
- MAIN - Delete Pedigree will delete original pedigree, but not the shortcut
- PATIENTS SCREEN - Search results refresh after clicking on a patient
- PEDIGREE - Data entered in full datasheet view is intermittently applied to wrong individual after adding multiple individuals to pedigree at one time
- PEDIGREE – Setting the printing margins to very high numbers causes the application to crash
- REACTIONS - Date fields show wrong date when manually entered
- RISK - Unable to reopen cancer risks and mutation probabilities when errors are present after collapsing them
- SPREADSHEET - Moving duplicate fields in the query section causes issues
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10015)
Unplanned, 4/3/2017Bug Fixes
- CONFIG - Updating an existing configuration with custom settings leads to errors
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10015)
Unplanned, 3/23/2017Bug Fixes
- MAIN - Moving pedigrees causes an unexpected message to appear every time
- CONFIG - Unable to create configuration file for new web applications
- SPREADSHEET - Unable to sort fields
- WORKFLOWS - Unless a user is set as the Administrator, the system will not allow you to move samples to the next stage of a workflow
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10015)
Scheduled, 3/14/2016Enhancements
- AMBRY BUTTON - Improvements to phone number validation message
- AMBRY ORDERS - Order Status sorts by default descending instead of ascending by order number
- DATASHEET - Text fields will now always word wrap, not just during print
- DATASHEETS - Updated table field column headers font and look
- FHQ - “New Format” button for inviting based on criteria
- INVITES MODULE - Able to search over all invites instead of searching over just filters
- IPAD - Implemented lazy-loading for datasheets to improve load times
- LETTER GENERATION - Ability to add custom images to letters
- LETTER GENERATION - Ability to generate letters for multiple individuals through the spreadsheet, smart lists, and pedigrees
- LETTER GENERATION - Font and size show their defaults in the dropdown
- LETTER GENERATION - Improved formatting for bullets and underlining in PDF exports
- LETTER GENERATION - Removed Styles dropdown and introduced background color plugin for the editor
- LETTER GENERATION - Able to select the column order for table fields
- LOGIN - Passwords for all new users and changed passwords must be 8 characters minimum, require at least 1 uppercase letter, lowercase letter, special character and number
- LOGIN - Updated change password dialog box
- MAIN - All modules and lists in Progeny will display a message when a folder has not been selected or a folder/search returns no results
- PATIENTS SCREEN - Patient's list refreshes after adding a new pedigree
- PRINT - Updated fonts and look for the dialog box
- RISK - Ability to adjust lifetime risk age settings for Bayes, Gail, and Claus algorithms and is reflected in PDF report
- RISK - Competing mortality now available as an option for the Tyrer-Cuzick risk algorithm and is reflected in the PDF report
- RISK - PDF report now highlights those above the set threshold
- SPREADSHEET - Added numbered column to spreadsheets and updated page design
Bug Fixes
- AMBRY BUTTON - Pedigree images are intermittently being sent as NULL or indicated they are GIFs in AP2
- AMBRY ORDERS - When ordering more than one Ambry test, Actions in Order Status shows link option instead of dropdown for all orders except the first one
- DASHBOARD - Any newly created dashboard user will produce an error when attempting to login
- DATASHEET - Large tables with many rows do not work well once you focus on the bottom of the table
- FHQ - Checkbox fields do not appear in tables in the questionnaire
- FHQ - If option to skip family builder is turned on at all, the rules for cousins, nieces/nephews, and half-siblings pages are not respected
- FHQ - Spanish characters do not show up as expected in e-mails when the e-mail originates from a Linux server
- FHQ - Table fields set to have the "Required Field" validation does not work
- INVITES MODULE - Invites are being sorted ascending by date invited instead of descending by default
- LETTER GENERATION - "<" and "&" symbol cause letters to not generate field data during letter generation
- LETTER GENERATION - Headings do not export and generate in Word
- LETTER GENERATION - Indentations do not generate in PDF exports
- LETTER GENERATION - Page break option from CK editor does not work for Word and PDFs
- LETTER GENERATION - PDF exports throw an error when <hr /> or <br /> tags are used
- LOGIN - When a certain cloud configuration is used, admins will not be prompted to reset initial password set
- LOGIN SCREEN - A newly created user will intermittently receive an error message during initial login
- MAIN - "Generate External Link" does not copy in Internet Explorer
- MAIN - "X" from filter pop ups has disappeared from the top right of most menus
- MAIN - Bottom panes in all modules are not clearing after initiating a new search
- MAIN - In rare occasions, moving the tabs around cause the web client to crash
- MAIN - Pedigree workflow is missing "Draw Now" button
- MAIN - Pedigrees and datasheets use the folder template that is currently chosen and not the folder template for the folder where the pedigree is stored
- MAIN - Searches for pedigrees, individuals, and samples will sometimes duplicate results
- MAIN - Without “Save/Delete SS Formats”, the Individual Spreadsheet module is not accessible
- PATIENTS SCREEN - Patients list is not refreshing when you delete or move pedigrees
- PEDIGREE - SmartDraw without “Show Date” being turned will intermittently lead to errors
- PEDIGREE - Subtext will sometimes be cutoff when used with printing through the Fit to Page option
- PEDIGREE - Switching formats intermittently fails after using "Show Spreadsheet" option
- SPREADSHEET - Max of 25 spreadsheets can be seen in a spreadsheets formats folder
- WORKFLOWS - If 3 or more stages can be selected as a "Next Stage" option Tomcat will crash when you run a sample through the workflow
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10005)
Unplanned, 2/6/2017Bug Fixes
- DATASHEET - Table datasheets do not open
- DATASHEET - Clicking "Show Datasheet" does not consistently bring up the datasheet for the selected individual
- PEDIGREE - Very large pedigrees can become disjointed intermittently when using show/hide datasheet or re-sizing the screen
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10005)
Unplanned, 1/5/2017Bug Fixes
- SPREADSHEET - Using "Load Format" results in an error
- PEDIGREE - Added Text will not save only when a certain cloud configuration is being applied
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10005)
Unplanned, 12/14/2016Bug Fixes
- SYMBOLS - Symbols that refer to non-table fields did not appear in the pedigree
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10005)
Scheduled, 12/5/2016Enhancements
- DATASHEET - Datasheet format chooser shows name of currently selected datasheet format if one is selected
- FHQ - Dutch translations updated to be on one line during family builder
- FHQ - Updated FHQ invite workflows
- FHQ - Updated Spanish translations for FHQ
- LETTER GENERATION - Improvements to how indentation works for the CK editor
- LOGIN PAGE - After login attempts is exceeded, the wrong password for a set username will give you the "Too many attempts..." warning with any wrong password
- MAIN - Tab Scroll Improvements
- MAIN - All popup and workflow windows re-designed
- PEDIGREE - Able to delete multiple pedigrees
- PEDIGREE - Able to move multiple pedigrees
- PRINT - Changes made during print will not prompt to save
- PROFILE - Redesigned user profile window
- PROFILE - Users have ability to pick what landing page they want after logging in
- PROFILE - Users have ability to save tab so that when you log out and log in they are still there
- PROFILE - Updated confirmation message styling
- RISK - Waiting layer when you calculate risk when calculation is in progress
- RISK - Display N/A instead of 0% when risk server returns null value
- SAMPLE MANAGMENT - Create Aliquot Reaction Type - Additional naming option
- SAMPLE MANAGMENT - Action groups for batched samples operate in the web
- SPREADSHEET - Updated design
Bug Fixes
- CHROME - Pedigree list does not refresh on Chrome after closing a pedigree
- DATASHEET - Changing the case of letters in a text field does not take into effect until you make another change to that field
- DATASHEET - Hyperlink fields marked read only appear editable
- DATASHEET - Fixed Checkbox mouse over in Datasheets
- FHQ - Multi-select to change invite status was not functioning
- FHQ - Changing a questionnaire to "Reviewed" status no longer processes the workflow correctly like it did in Progeny 9 has been fixed
- LOGIN PAGE - Database error when logging in with a user that has any kind of profile format set
- MAIN - When you add a field to smart list that column is not filled with data
- MAIN - "Clear Sort" option of column sorting should appear when you sort columns
- MAIN - When opening new tabs, tab list "jumps"
- MAIN - Fonts do no load over https secure connections
- PEDIGREE - Pedigrees shows unneeded read-only messages
- PEDIGREE - Individual Datasheet locked after Show Datasheet, Hide Datasheet, and then Show Datasheet rapidly
- PEDIGREE - Change Attributes does not work well when selecting different options
- PEDIGREE - Fixed crossing lines in complex pedigrees
- PEDIGREE - "Show Linkage Selections" when enabled in the desktop client it won't replicate the settings in WEB
- PRINT - Pedigree double printing in Chrome
- SAMPLE MANAGMENT - If an Action Group contains 3 Actions it will not show up as a "Next Stage" option
- SAMPLE MANAGMENT - Samples that are container-less show up in containers during search
PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 10002)
Unplanned, 11/18/2016