Patient Lookup Module

This new module is only available in Progeny Web, version and above.

The Patient Lookup module allows patients to look up their pedigree in Progeny with a special hyperlink and then launch a new questionnaire or continue an existing one. The patient will go through a short set of validations including a customizable unique identifier such as MRN and their date of birth. Depending on the configuration of the module, patients can also create new records for themselves in Progeny if they don’t already exist.

Using the Module

Using the Patient Lookup Link from the Questionnaire that was configured, you can now go to the Patient Lookup Login Screen. The patient can then enter their MRN and click Search.

Depending on the settings configured for the questionnaire, either a message will be displayed informing that no results were found and the patient should contact the clinic.

Or, the patient will be asked to confirm the MRN again, and if it is not found the second time, a pedigree will automatically be created with the patient and the specified MRN would be assigned. The patient would then be redirected to begin their questionnaire.

If the MRN is found in the database, then a list of matching First Name and Last Name will be shown. The patient would then select their matching information, then click Confirm

Verification of Date of Birth will then be required to continue.

Once verification is passed, the patient will then be redirected to their questionnaire. If verification fails, a message will display indicating incorrect Date of Birth, in which the patient can then try another date of birth or contact the clinic.

Configuring the module

  1. Navigate to the Edit Questionnaires module in Progeny Web.
  2. Select the questionnaire in which to activate the Patient Lookup module.
  3. Select the last tab for the questionnaire. This is the tab called Patient Lookup.
  4. In this tab, you can configure the Patient Lookup module based on your preferences.
    • Turn on Patient Lookup – Enable this option to activate the Patient Lookup feature.
    • Patient Lookup Title – Use this Text/HTML formatting text area to input the text that is displayed on the Patient Lookup module.
    • Unique Patient ID – Select the unique identifying field that is used in the database for identifying patients. Typically, this is the MRN field.
    • Unique Patient ID Display Heading – By default, on the Patient Lookup module, it displays the text, “Enter Your MRN” in the text area for patients to enter the unique field/value being asked for, in the case that the name of the field mapped for the Unique Patient Id was the MRN field. You can enter any text in this section to customize what is shown. For example, entering “Medical Record Number” will then apply that text on the Patient Lookup module page to be “Enter Your Medical Record Number” instead of the field name “MRN”.
    • Date of Birth – Select the Date of Birth field that is being used in the database.
    • Date of Birth Display Heading – By default, on the Patient Lookup module, it displays the text, “Please Enter Your Date of Birth” in the date area for patients to enter their date of birth for the validation, in the case that the name of the field mapped for the Date of Birth was the Date of Birth field. You can enter any text in this section to customize what is shown. For example, entering “DOB” will then apply that text on the Patient Lookup module page to be “Please Enter Your DOB” instead of the field name “Date of Birth”.
    • Allow Patient to Create New Records – Enable this option if you want patients to be able to create a new pedigree and start a new questionnaire based on the MRN they entered if the MRN was not found in the database.
    • Patient Lookup Link – This is the URL for patients to access the Patient Lookup Module.
Updated on January 10, 2020

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