Scheduled 12.12.24
New Features
- FHQ – FHQ4 (Family History Questionnaire version 4): patient mobile phone-friendly family history questionnaire
- FHQ – FHQ4 Questionnaire Design tool: user friendly administrative questionnaire design tool for adding, configuring, and editing questionnaires all from the front-end application*
- DATABASE – Multiple database support to use databases entered in configuration
- DATABASE – Show the active database name in the header for Progeny 11 web when multiple database support is configured
- DATABASE – Add FHQ Version to ‘New Pedigree’, ‘Launch New Questionnaire’ screens and remove ‘Datasheet Format Name’
- DATABASE – Validate that SAML certificate authentication is working properly
- INVITES – As a clinician, I want to be able to distinguish between FHQ3 and FHQ4 questionnaires when inviting a patient
- INVITES – Add new invite status of ‘TOU Declined’ and associated questionnaires that decline TOU with this new status
- PEDIGREE – Blurry Text on Pedigree when Printing
- RISK – Text is overlapping in Risk report when criteria runs and is positive
- FIELD AUDIT – Field audit is not correctly auditing selected fields*
- USER MAINTENANCE – the first class under the ‘Security’ tab is not displayed*
- USER MAINTENANCE – Enforce usergroup name uniqueness*
- USER MAINTENANCE – Set correct default security value for a new users*
- USER MAINTENANCE – No error message displayed when failed to create/update security class
- INVITES – Make inactive ‘after this date’ is making invites inactive ON the mapped date instead of after
- SPREADSHEETS – Cannot import data via spreadsheet module
- SPREADSHEETS – import SS fails when a date column is present in SS format
*=administrative functionality not available to cloud users