New Features
- PEDIGREE – Fit to Screen addition to the right-click and actions menu in pedigrees
- PEDIGREE – Edit the properties for pedigree fields on the pedigree
- PEDIGREE – Now prompted for any unsaved changes to pedigree fields formats
- PEDIGREE – Able to save changes made to an existing pedigree fields format
- PEDIGREE – Able to set the current pedigree fields format as the default for the folder or pedigree
- DATASHEET – The free text disappears after entering period
- GTR – Have gene tally only count non-null genes
- GTR – Add a tally of genes for that a particular test result at the bottom of the screen
- GTR – Better align Prior classification and classification drop-downs
- GTR – Change Labs and Tests dropdown, when adding a new test result in Test Details window, to respond to the keyboard
- Change the Test Details so that clicking outside the window does not close the pop-up
Bug Fixes
- SYMBOLS/SUBTEXT – Subtext and Symbols are not displayed in Pedigree canvas
- INVITES – New invite giving error after selecting a questionnaire without a datasheet format
- CRITERIA – Breast/Ovarian Criteria details is not correct and the formatting is messed up
- PEDIGREE – Pedigree data not showing up in pedigree drop fields as expected
- MAIN – Searching the text from big search field does not produce results
- FHQ – FHQ link of Launch new Questionnaires of individual is not loading
- PEDIGREE – Error message while gender/Marked icon is changed for individual
- MAIN – Using the < character in any field causes the data to be hidden until the field in clicked in
- MAIN – Searching the text from big search field is causing database error for Ashkenazi jewish pedigree column
- MAIN – Error when adding computed field to Pedigree smart list
- MAIN – Date format in multiple locations are not identical
- MAIN – Selecting folder should populate bottom list automatically
- SPREADSHEETS – Deleting a column field deletes a sort field