Clinical FAQ's

Review Frequently Asked Questions on Progeny Clinical.

What is required to get started with Clinical?

Simply fill out our online form to get started with a trial. You will get an email shortly after with login information - we highly recommend you try out Progeny Clinical first to make sure it meets your needs. You'll also be given instructions on signing up whenever you're ready. Next, you will need to send us a signed HIPAA Business Associate Agreement (BAA). After receiving the signed BAA from you, Progeny Support will get with you to set up your database.

How is Clinical configured?

The default platform for Progeny Clinical is via the cloud.  The cloud version provides fast startup, anywhere access, and no installation or database worries.  See our plans and pricing options.

How is the software licensed?

Clinical is sold on a concurrency licensing model, which is based upon the number of concurrent users logged into the software at the same time. Our Cloud platform comes with 10 users, but more users can be purchased in block of 10.

What if I want to make changes to the software or customize it?

Customizations are only available in the Premium version. We can customize the software for you, but you’ll have to pay for that on a fixed bid basis. Tell us what you want and we’ll quote you a price. Prices to customize the software are very reasonable.

Can I import existing data that I have in another database or Excel spreadsheet?

Yes. Our Advanced Services team can manage the migration of your existing data for a fee. This includes the ability to import pedigree data directly from files produced by other programs, like Cyrillic.

What support options are available?

With Premium Cloud, you are entitled to unlimited toll-free support, including updates and new versions.