Review, Edit and Enter Data from the Clinician-facing Datasheet
Our split-screen view in the pedigree allows for easy data entry for any family member. Clinicians can review what patients entered (if using our FHQ), and edit or add data based on clinical assessment or review of records anytime.
Collect Data Directly From Patients
Using our High Risk Triage or Family History Questionnaires, data is collected in a patient-friendly format and is immediately available in the database. There's no re-entry of data, and referral and clinical decisions can be made immediately.Create Custom Data Entry Screens
Premium and On-Premise Users have the ability to create custom fields and data entry screens to match your clinic's needs.
Run Custom Reports and Queries
Generate custom spreadsheet reports and queries in just a few mouse clicks to summarize your patient or pedigree data. You can also print, sort, modify or enter data quickly in the spreadsheet.
Advanced Search and Query
Easily query for exactly the data you desire to display in the spreadsheet - and no programming required.Save Spreadsheet Formats
Running the same reports frequently? Save and organize your spreadsheet formats so you can quickly access and run them again anytime.Export Data Easily
Export your custom report to any text file or Excel in just a couple clicks.