Progeny 9 Web Update


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For currently licensed Version 9 users only.  Download the Progeny Web update below.


Upgrade to Version 10

Progeny 9 Web users currently on the Progeny Support Plan (PSP), you are entitled to a FREE Progeny 10 upgrade.  Check out a list of major new features in Progeny 10


Release Notes


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9150)

Scheduled, 9/9/2016


  • FHQ - Generic Link for individual questionnaire creates a pedigree with a proband instead of a singlet
  • LOGIN SCREEN - Update Progeny web click through agreement text

Bug Fixes

  • AMBRY BUTTON - Organization list does have a way to scroll through once it becomes large and goes past the bottom of the screen
  • FHQ - Hide folders that are not writable in steps that require write access during invite workflow
  • FHQ - Text fields in FHQ family table popups require clicking focus off of text field to continue
  • FHQ - Vague database error when incorrect username is put in the reset password screen
  • INVITES MODULE - "Open Pedigree" option is currently showing up for singlets in the re-designed invites module which leads to vague errors
  • INVITES MODULE - New Invite status screen in Patients Screen and Dashboard Screen is missing option to change status of an invite
  • PEDIGREE - Double-clicking an individual that was just added without saving is not auto-saving and entering the datasheet as excepted
  • REACTIONS - Create Sample Reaction Type - Will not retain "Prefix, Auto-Increment, Suffix" naming default
  • RISK - HRT fields do not accept a computed field
  • RISK - Risk button does not appear to reset when bad data is sent
  • SPREADSHEET - Any export that has a table with no rows using "Export One Row Per Individual" will fail
  • SYMBOLS - Legend is not saving when changed to be horizontal instead of vertical
  • SYMBOLS - Symbols legends are causing pedigrees to SmartDraw in unexpected ways


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9144)

Unplanned, 8/23/2016

Bug Fixes

  • PEDIGREE - Headers/Footers are not asking to save when leaving pedigrees and various pedigrees change to "null" in the footer
  • PEDIGREE - Snap to grid is causing pedigree generations to move down when individuals above them are moved down


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9144)

Scheduled, 8/9/2016


  • RISK - New Claus Risk model algorithm is now available
  • RISK - Change Tyrer-Cuzick menopause age from being NULL to sending the equivalent of "?" rather then "u" or unknown
  • RISK - Tyrer-Cuzick validation if proband has breast cancer
  • RISK - For Age of Live Birth, force NULL or 0 to the equivalent of unknown in Gail calculation
  • RISK - Validation needed if age of live birth is filled out, but number of live of live birth or corresponding true/false field is not filled out
  • RISK - PDF should include whether live birth is true or false for tyrer-cuzick
  • PEDIGREE - Subtext and No Issue/Infertile adjustments to pedigree
  • PEDIGREE - Make ctrl+s save the pedigree
  • PEDIGREE - Double click in canvas allows dragging whole pedigree to adjust position
  • WEB - Add a Click Through Terms Agreement for Progeny Web
  • FHQ - Change field validation appearance to an improved look
  • FHQ - Questionnaire management should be called edit questionnaire to match the button
  • SEARCH - Search should have live filtering on all search bars
  • BROADCAST MESSAGES - Improve on broadcast message popup to a nicer look

Bug Fixes

  • RISK - Gail validation error is populating in mutation probabilities pane despite Gail not generally appearing there
  • RISK - Validations from Gail and BRCAPRO are intermittently blocking Tyrer-Cuzick from running or showing its validation error
  • RISK - MRN displays incorrectly on Risk PDF if it is a number field
  • RISK - Tyrer-Cuzick Risk Report shows overlapping with "HRT USED" and HRT TYPE"
  • PATIENTS SCREEN - Unable to order a test from the patients screen
  • PATIENTS SCREEN - View Invites pagination option is not aligned correctly
  • FHQ - Sending a reminder or new invitation always has the incorrect e-mail dialog pop up if the invitation does not originate from the folder the FHQ started from
  • FHQ - Missing email validation check on individual invitations
  • FHQ - CSS issues in Ambry FHQ template
  • FHQ - Changing "Who to E-mail" to blank under "Status Actions" in questionnaire management results in an error
  • FHQ - Opened tabs for FHQ Questionaire Editing have all inputs enabled despite initial check box beign checked for disabled
  • RISK EXPORTS - All 3 Risk exports from the right-click menu for pedigrees are not functioning at all
  • PEDIGREE - Leaving a full datasheet will sometimes result in the individual being selected and dragged around on the pedigree canvas
  • SEARCH - Certain hyphen searches unexpectedly brings up empty results
  • INDIVIDUAL DATASHEET - Help Text Icon Blocks Field Name On Datasheet in Web Client


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9139)

Scheduled, 7/15/2016


  • AMBRY BUTTON - Ability to link Ambry orders to existing pedigrees
  • AMBRY BUTTON - Order Status screen now has adjustable columns and cloumns auto-hide when they overlap
  • PEDIGREE - Symbol legend improvements
  • FHQ - Add the ability to go back and edit the family builder page after navigating away
  • FHQ - Tables in FHQ now have an 'Edit' button to bring back popup
  • FHQ - "Invite Existing Patient or Relative" --> "Patients who meet specific criteria" workflow re-design to be able to run Query formats or start from scratch
  • FHQ - Option to require gender to be Male or Female (not unknown) in FHQ
  • INVITES - Listed fields include Individual Name in the first column with Pass Code pushed all the way to the right
  • SMARTLIST - Move results per page to the bottom of the screen with other pagination features
  • EXPORT SCREEN - "Settings" selection default to "Tab Delimited"
  • WEB - The "X" on Main tab is removed from the web client to prevent accidental log outs

Bug Fixes

  • AMBRY BUTTON - Cancelled, In Progress, and Hold status's do not show up in "Order Status" screen
  • AMBRY BUTTON - Failed to load pedigree from "order status" if user does not have rights to the folder in which the pedigree is located.
  • RISK - Risk validation message gets pushed off screen when first/last name are too long
  • RISK - Gail validation for having less then 10(including 0/NULL) or greater then 55 for age of live birth in place
  • RISK - Tyrer-Cuzick field mapping labels are in the wrong order
  • RISK - Switching from one proband to a new proband in the same pedigree does not refresh the Risk report until you exit or save a new report
  • PEDIGREE - Transmitting of pedigree to EMR is failing
  • PEDIGREE - Printing issues with very large pedigrees on Chrome
  • PEDIGREE - When hooks are turned on, the bottom consanguinity line always hooks even though it should not
  • FHQ - Updated CSS templates to resolve issue with button hovering
  • FHQ - User is able to access and modify IDS through invites module which leads to errors
  • IDS - Clicking on any table field will reset the focus to the start of the row even when scrollbars are present, making it hard to edit the table
  • LIMS - Cannot Assign Aliquots via "Next Stage" from the Bottom Half of the Screen
  • FIELD WAREHOUSE - Field chooser is not being closed when tab is being switched, it should auto close when a new tab is clicked


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9138)

Scheduled, 6/25/2016


  • RISK - New GAIL Risk model algorithm is now available
  • RISK - New PREMM Risk model algorithm is now available
  • RISK - Tyrer-Cuzick's "Affected Breast" parameter will now allow values greater than just 0 or 1
  • RISK - MMRPRO's "Affected Colon" parameter will now accept 0 and also values greater than 0
  • RISK - MMRPRO's "Affected Endometrium" parameter will now accept 0 and also values greater than 0
  • RISK - Tyrer Cuzick is now allowed to accept 'estrogen' for HRT Type
  • AMBRY BUTTON - Support for Pre-Verification requests has been added to test ordering screen
  • PATIENTS SCREEN - "Pedigree name" and "Individual name" are now active links
  • PATIENTS SCREEN - Field chooser dialog will give user an option to search for a field
  • PATIENTS SCREEN - Users will now have an option to move a Pedigree to another folder
  • INVITES - Inviting Wizard will now validate correctness of an email address
  • FHQ - Help text will now wrap within the popup box instead of getting cut off by the page border
  • PEDIGREE - When the proband arrow is on the Lower Left(default) or Lower Right it will auto-adjust for subtext below it so that they don't overlap
  • PEDIGREE - Removal of individual from a pedigree will now default to individual name
  • MODULES - Tabs can now be closed using mouse middle-button

Bug Fixes

  • RISK - Viewing of PDF fails if viewed right after saving the Risk report
  • RISK - Report Tyrer-Cuzick "BilateralBreast" listed as "single breast"
  • RISK - Risk Button not prompting to save pedigree before it is accessed for newly created pedigrees
  • AMBRY BUTTON - Pedigree image is not being sent to Ambry Port 2
  • AMBRY BUTTON - In Ambry Port 2 Fields Window birthdate field works intermittently when switching from an existing date
  • AMBRY BUTTON - Every-time user selects a date using the calendar it shows the tooltip error even if the date is in the correct format
  • PATIENTS SCREEN - Pedigree Image will always be the same as the original image even if you attempt to order with another patient from a different Pedigree
  • PATIENTS SCREEN - Move Pedigree action needs to always take security settings into account
  • PATIENTS SCREEN - The Invite Status Window located in the Patient Screen has styling issues in Internet Explorer
  • PEDIGREE - The "Select" options in the Actions menu button for Sub-Pedigrees is unexpectedly grayed out
  • PEDIGREE - Create Shortcut option does not function at all for Sub-Pedigrees
  • PEDIGREE - Unexpected results when adding siblings in certain folders
  • PEDIGREE - Symbols legend does not adjust when some symbols are no longer needed in the legend
  • PEDIGREE - Smartdraw is not applying like it should after certain adjustments
  • PEDIGREE - Smartdraw vertical adjustments are not being saved after leaving the Pedigree
  • PEDIGREE - While Pedigree fields are shown if you switch to a different format then update any data in the Pedigree, it will always switch back to the previous format
  • FHQ - The "Send Email" dropdown in the "Status Actions" tab will always revert to the previous option if you change it
  • FHQ - Some of Dutch Translations are missing
  • FHQ - Any entry for "Invites Page title" under the "Relatives Invites" tab will get erased and any entry cannot be saved
  • CONFIG - Options to broadcast messages to actively logged in users and to log them out don't have an effect
  • SPREADSHEET - Database error is shown when only a set of parenthesis is used
  • ACTIONS - Action groups do not work in the web at all, either outside or inside of a workflow


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9132)

Unplanned, 6/13/2016

Bug Fixes

  • AMBRY BUTTON - With Progeny Web server set up to use secure connection users cannot see the PDF result of the test due to mixed content error


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9132)

Unplanned, 6/10/2016

Bug Fixes

  • AMBRY BUTTON - Order Status page instead of showing PDF form of test results asks user to enter username and password


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9132)

Scheduled, 6/3/2016


  • AMBRY BUTTON - Opening Test ordering window will now automatically save the Pedigree
  • INVITES - Inviting new Individual will now create new Pedigree with one member instead of creating an actual singlet
  • PEDIGREES - Users will now be able to create sub-pedigrees from Progeny Web client
  • PEDIGREES - Users will now be able to use system fields as Pedigree fields
  • FIELDS - Added ability to reference an Individual level field in a Sample level computed field

Bug Fixes

  • AMBRY BUTTON - Fields displayed on the left side of test ordering window ignore user's permissions
  • FHQ - Placing focus into a date field hides this field's label
  • FHQ - Entering an existing username and password in the "create account" section leads to a 500 error
  • INVITES - Inviting new patient to a Questionnaire that's set up to allow inviting of relatives places incorrect FHQ link inside an invitation email
  • PEDIGREES - French specific characters get improperly shown inside Pedigree's Header and Footer text
  • PEDIGREES - If Datasheet is shown in Split view changes to fields contained inside Table Field cause an error
  • PEDIGREES - Proband arrow overlaps with first line of subtext
  • PEDIGREES - Subtext and Subtext Legend overlap with the Pedigree
  • PEDIGREES - Users of Google Chrome web browser are not able to save Risk results PDF file and are not able to save exported Pedigree image file
  • DATASHEETS - Fields don't validate newly entered value against "Confirm Data" validation
  • SPREADSHEET - Inside Query section selection one of options for system field gives unexpected results
  • SPREADSHEET - Scrolling quickly through a large Spreadsheet will eventually turn Spreadsheet results into a white page
  • SPREADSHEET - Attempt to run a Sample Spreadsheet results in an error
  • CONFIGURATION - Web server fails to start over after configuration database gets set up


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9128)

Unplanned, 5/19/2016

Bug Fixes

  • CONFIG - Application fails to create new configuration files if they didn't exist before


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9128)

Unplanned, 5/18/2016

Bug Fixes

  • AMBRY BUTTON - Progeny Web user is not able to view the test order if the Progeny Web server is accessed through a secure connection (SSL)

  • AMBRY BUTTON - Attempting to reuse an existing Ambry Port patient entry will result in an unneeded copy of the patient being created

  • PEDIGREES - The Smartdraw dimensions are not working as excepted when they are adjusted vertically in the Dimensions window

  • FHQ - The Family Table instructions disappear after update and cannot be saved or re-added through the Questionnaire Management tab


PROGENY WEB (DB ver. 9128)

Scheduled, 5/11/2016


  • RISK - Tyrer-Cuzick risk algorithm is now available through Progeny
  • PATIENTS - New "Patients" screen that opens when 'Patients' is configured for a user under User Maintenance in the Desktop client. This new screen has searching, filtering, and an actionable list at the bottom of individuals
  • PATIENTS - Add new 'View Invites' window which pops up allowing you to view their invites when the 'View Invites' option is selected from the menu connected to the specified individual
  • INVITES - Add new 'Invites Status' screen that has a redesigned filtering panel, search and querying panel and an actionable list of invites at the bottom
  • INVITES - Add a new 'Invite Status' button to the Dashboard view and Patients view
  • INVITES - Add a dialog box popup for confirming/executing status actions to run on a specific invite when going into status 'Reviewed'
  • INVITES - Add new invite status options - 'Completed Manually', 'Inactive' and 'Reviewed'
  • INVITES - Allow multi-selection of invites to change the status of options now available 'Completed Manually' or 'Inactive'
  • QUESTIONNAIRE - Move email formats from the General tab to its own new Email tab in questionnaire the management window
  • QUESTIONNAIRE - Add new 'Status Actions' tab in the questionnaire to the management window, allowing for actions to be taken when the invite status is changed to 'Reviewed'
  • QUESTIONNAIRE - Add option to move pedigree to a folder as a status action when an invite changes to 'Reviewed' status
  • QUESTIONNAIRE - Add option to send an email as a status action when an invite changes to 'Reviewed' status
  • QUESTIONNAIRE - Add option to transmit pedigree PDF to EMR as a status action when an invite changes to 'Reviewed' status
  • QUESTIONNAIRE - Add option to send automated email reminders for invites at specific time intervals, like 'Remind Once' or 'Remind Every', and allow for specific actions to occur upon status change
  • DASHBOARD - Rename "New Questionnaire" button in the dashboard view to "Invite Patient"
  • FHQ - Spanish "first name" in cousins, niece/nephew, and half-sib pages changed from 'Nombre de pila' to 'Primer nombre'
  • FHQ - Terms of use when using the Spanish version should have Spanish text
  • FHQ - Pedigree view in FHQ when in Spanish should show "La familia de ___" instead of "____'s family"
  • PEDIGREES - Allow double clicking of an individual to open the individual's datasheet
  • WORKFLOW - New Individual workflow improvements, new bootstrap folder dropdown and updated fonts and sizes
  • WORKFLOW - New Invite to FHQ workflow UI improvement, new bootstrap folder dropdown and updated fonts and sizes
  • WORKFLOW - New Invite to Individual type questionnaire UI improvement, new bootstrap folder dropdown and updated fonts and sizes
  • WORKFLOW - New Pedigree/New Family workflow improvements, new bootstrap folder dropdown and updated fonts and sizes
  • WORKFLOWS - Inheriting Fields from Parent Samples - When creating aliquots there should be the ability to inherit the parent workflow stage

Bug Fixes

  • AMBRY BUTTON - Clinicians that belong to multiple organizations cannot see full list of test orders they requested

  • RISK - Some unusual twin relationships will cause Risk calculation to fail

  • FHQ - Field headers are not being taken into consideration when used in Table Datasheets in FHQ

  • FHQ - Popup dialogs resize mouse-over in Internet Explorer 9

  • FHQ - Users are unable to delete any email template regardless if connected to questionnaire

  • SPREADSHEET - Having Twin Status in the query set equal to either value causes an infinite loop of errors

  • WORKFLOWS - Samples are not showing up as part of a workflow stage even if they have been moved to that stage

  • WORKFLOWS - Only workflow entry stages are displaying as “Next Stage” options when moving samples through a workflow

  • REACTIONS - Cannot save the naming default as “Sample Name, Delimiter, Auto-Increment”


PROGENY WEB 9.403.00 (DB ver. 9121)

Bug Fixes

  • PEDIGREES - Show the context menu Risk Algorithms.


PROGENY WEB 9.402.00 (DB ver. 9121)


  • RISK - Add first name and last name to the validation error section of the Risk Panel.
  • RISK - Make configurable option to enable/disable each Risk algorithm based on if the mappings are correctly in place.
  • INVITES - Make first name, last name and email columns editable when the user tries to invite an existing individual.
  • FHQ - Need a check before deleting email template to ensure it is not being used.
  • DATASHEETS - Allow for a table format to be tied to tab rather than an Individual Datasheet.
  • DASHBOARD - Grab user permission to determine whether or not to show or hide the Order Status workflow in the dashboard.


Bug Fixes

  • INVITES - sending FHQ reminder unnecessary puts patient's invite entome of Dashboard elements overlap
  • INVITES - The email template manangement window does not prompt for unsaved changes.
  • FHQ - Adopted in or out does not reflect in the family tree at the end of the pedigree that can be printed when the questionnaire is complete.
  • FHQ - "Delete Individual" dialog in family builder table does not center on the screen when the button is clicked.
  • FHQ - When 'CONFIG_CLIENT_TRAFFIC_ALLOW' in configuration is set to 0 the 'View Your Family Tree' button in FHQ displays the redirect page.
  • FHQ - The check-box to select all individuals in the list located in the "Invite Existing Patient or Relative" workflow does not function properly.
  • FHQ - In certain conditions, Half-siblings and stepmother/stepfather come up as "other" instead of the correct relationship in FHQ
  • PEDIGREES - Remove Ambry Order Test Button from the top menu bar when viewing a Pedigree Split Datasheet.
  • PEDIGREES - Palette Issue - Adding Singlets to a pedigree with the palette can cause the whole pedigree to become disjointed until you move something around or click Smartdraw.
  • PEDIGREES - Smartdraw is moving Pedigrees around even without changing anything in the dimensions or pedigree properties and it does not save.
  • PEDIGREES - Adding Pedigrees with an existing name gives you an undescriptive error message.
  • PEDIGREES - Computed fields dependent on system fields do not refresh when changed in the pedigree canvas until the pedigree is saved causing unexpected result in subtext.
  • DATASHEETS - Text does not wrap as expected in a field in the Datasheet, and appears as one long line that goes outside the field until you click into the field.
  • DATASHEETS - If you open up the split datasheet for an individual in a sub-pedigree, then open the full Datasheet for the same individual, it locks out the Datasheet completely until the user logs out of Progeny then logs back in.


PROGENY WEB 9.401.9119.00


  • FHQ - Family probands will now be able to invite their relatives to the FHQ process
  • INVITES - Inviting Wizard will now check correctness of an email address before attempting to send an email
  • RISK ALGORITHMS - Validation errors section will now show first and last name of a patient who does not have sufficient data entered
  • LICENSING - If license count is exceeded user will see an informative message


Bug Fixes

  • INVITES - sending FHQ reminder unnecessary puts patient's invite entry
  • INVITES - User who tries to invite existing Individual should only see Individuals who are not members of any family
  • ORDERING TESTS - If test ordering is not configured related actions result in a general error instead of descriptive information message
  • PEDIGREES - Dates appearing in a subtext of an icon are formatted using incorrect web browser locale
  • PEDIGREES - Fields shown on Pedigree space don't get refreshed after source data is changed
  • PEDIGREES - Very large pedigrees cannot be printed if Google Chrome web browser is used
  • PEDIGREES - If Datasheet is shown in Split mode newly entered data does not get validated against "Required" validation
  • SPREADSHEETS - User wanting to overwrite a format sees confirmation window twice
  • SPREADSHEETS - New columns added to a Spreadsheet format that has already been run after another run show up without necessary column headers
  • SPREADSHEETS - Trying to overwrite an existing format would sometimes result in an error message
  • DATASHEETS - Date field don't show new value if it was set using year or month drop down selectors of a calendar window
  • DATASHEETS - Newly added table row does not get validated against "Required" validation
  • DASHBOARD - Resizing web browser window and making is very small makes some of Dashboard elements overlap


PROGENY WEB 9.400.9117.01

Bug Fixes

  • USERS - LDAP authentication does not work anymore
  • CONFIG - If a custom configuration URL is used the FHQ styling update fails to complete


PROGENY WEB 9.400.9117.00


  • PATIENTS - New 'Order Test' Ambry integration button for ordering diagnostic tests.
    Ambry integration window allows clinicians to choose members of a pedigree to order a diagnostic test for. This maps information about the patient stored in Progeny to fields that will be sent to Ambry's AP2 system directly for test ordering. The results will be sent back and may be viewed inside Progeny
  • PATIENTS - Added an Order Status Window where results from ordered diagnostic test can be reviewed for different information about the ordered test and PDF results may be downloaded
  • PEDIGREES - New 'Settings' button was added the Pedigree Viewer toolbar. This popup window now controls all the settings pertaining to the pedigree and now contains the drop downs for applying pedigree formats
  • PEDIGREES - Removed the format drop downs from the main Pedigree Viewer bar
  • PEDIGREES - Actions like Printing, Copy/Saving pedigree as an image, adding text, adding individual and others will now be found under new 'Actions' button on the pedigree toolbar
  • PEDIGREES - Removed the refresh button from Pedigree Viewer toolbar. Refresh will now be performed automatically after data has changed
  • DATASHEETS - Month and Year drop downs were added to the Calendar popup inside Progeny Web
  • USERS - The User Profile button is now shortened to just a thumbnail button to open the User Profile Window


PROGENY WEB 9.305.9107.00


  • IPAD - Progeny now has a native IPAD application integrated into the main web server
  • SECURITY - Progeny will now incorporate new streamlined authorization mechanisms. This will enable plugging in different authentication systems/servers including but not limited to single sign on (SSO) systems
  • SERVER - Progeny Web Server will now be able to run on non-Windows operating systems like Unix or Linux if it is paired with a lightweight Progeny Windows Libraries service running on a windows server. This has added advantage of crash-proofing the Progeny Web Server


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.09


  • CONFIG - New configuration parameter will allow administrator to hide warnings about Internet Explorer running in Compatibility View


Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Values of bigger text fields don't get saved into the database
  • FHQ - Values of drop down fields don't get saved into the database on subsequent saves after the first save


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.08


  • FHQ - Single Sign On feature will now be able to store the MRN numbers of EMR patients in a custom Progeny Database field


Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Patients cannot login to Questionnaires that do not have a language specified
  • FHQ - All half siblings to whom a patient does not specify their other parent's name connect to the same parent. From now on specifying their other parent's name will be required.
  • FHQ - If Questionnaire is shown in "Spanish - Latin America" locale some texts still appear in English.
  • PEDIGREE - Drop fields don't display any value if pedigree is accessed using External Link


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.07


  • PEDIGREES - User who places mouse cursor over one of One Click Add arrows will see more instructive tool tips
  • INVITES - Invites module will display appropriate message if user tries to run Query without having any Questionnaire selected
  • INVITES - Invites module will contain 'Clear Query' button that will allow user to clear results of last run Query


Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Going from Summary page to Family Table that is set up with enough columns to require splitting them into several sub steps adds unnecessary "Other Family" entries to drop down list of Family sections
  • INVITES - If using Internet Explorer 9 endings of some of drop down options would get cut off
  • PEDIGREES - "Fit to Page" option of pedigree's context menu would unnecessarily leave some unused space on left side of pedigree
  • PEDIGREES - Pedigree options dialogs on the left side of pedigree view would not react to mouse clicks


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.06

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Tabs of Family Table that are set up with enough columns to require splitting them into several sub steps sometimes cause locking of Questionnaire navigation
  • FHQ - Some of drop down fields make web browser freeze
  • PEDIGREES - Pedigree Fields Formats show "Null" values instead of proper names of fields
  • PEDIGREES - Left side option tabs hide just when mouse cursor starts moving over them


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.05

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Cannot delete table rows
  • FHQ - Date fields still behaving oddly when user changes year or month without selecting day of month


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.04

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Dropdown fields fields sometimes not saving data when focus is lost in chrome browser
  • FHQ - Date fields behaving awkwardly in Chrome when user changes year or month without changing the date (day of month)


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.03


  • DASHBOARD - Folder tree for the dashboard invite wizard now only displays folders for which the user has write access


Bug Fixes

  • SPREADSHEETS - Spreadsheet exports for one row per Individual was crashing
  • FHQ - Inviting an individual who is already a pedigree member to an Individual Questionnaire that is pass code enabled causes an error
  • FHQ - Dropdown fields do not work in IE 11
  • FHQ - Pressing space bar in a field to separate words causes all the data entered previously to be deleted
  • FHQ - Invites module error if user does not have read access to all folders with questionnaires
  • FHQ - Dropdown fields causing data to be accepted and hence saved twice sometimes
  • FHQ - Patient attempting to log in to locked Questionnaire makes it go back to "Partially Completed" status
  • FHQ - Fixed support of "Spanish-Latin America" locale: IETF BCP 47 respects dashes not underscores"
  • FHQ - Dropdown fields in not accepting values in Family Table in Chrome browser
  • FHQ - Field with required field validation causes error when entering data in the Invite Workflow datasheet
  • FHQ - Removed pass code requirement upon login after initial sign up and creation of account
  • FHQ - Error occurs on summary page of individual questionnaires



PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.02


  • FHQ - From now on login screen of an FHQ will only ask for security passcode upon registration of an account but not for subsequent logins


Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Double-clicking on the "Previous" button of a Questionnaire can sometimes cause an error message

  • FHQ - Drop down fields of Family Table step do not save their values

  • FHQ - Email messages do not get sent if FHQ database runs on the same port as other database files

  • FHQ - Visibility of Invites module can only be controlled by type of license, not by user classes

  • FHQ - Datasheet shown at the end of Inviting Wizard contains empty drop down fields

  • FHQ - Patient reaching summary page of an Individual Questionnaire can sometimes see an error message

  • FHQ - If fields with "Required" validation are used on Datasheet displayed at the end of Inviting Wizard user cannot complete the Wizard even when fields conditions are satisfied

  • FHQ - Patient can't go beyond 1st option of a dropdown field displayed on Family Table if keyboard arrows are used

  • FHQ - Dropdown options of Gender and Vital Status fields shown on a Questionnaires with language set to "Spanish - Latin America" don't get translated despite the language setting

  • PEDIGREES - If Datasheet is open from the context of locked pedigree then this pedigree appears to be permanently locked even if other user releases the lock by closing pedigree tab

  • PEDIGREES - When a pedigree has two spouses with at least one child and whose gender is specified as UNKNOWN you would sometimes get an error messages when trying to open that pedigree


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.01

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - After clicking on an FHQ invite link patients see an error page instead of Questionnaire's login screen


PROGENY WEB 9.304.9091.00

Bug Fixes

  • WEB - Context search would not give any results


PROGENY WEB 9.303.9090.00


  • FHQ - Added Questionnaire configuration option that allows disabling of "Edit My Information" and "Edit Your Family" sections of summary page

  • FHQ - Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 is not supported any more by Family History Questionnaire as Microsoft also ended support for this product. Users who use this version of Internet Explorer will get redirected to dedicated information page that provides links to download newer versions of web browsers

  • FHQ - If fields that affect Skip Logic conditions are reversed by the user any data that was entered on dependent datasheet tabs will be reversed or nullified accordingly

  • FHQ - Smartdraw now gets now run even if patient never views his pedigree. Pedigree gets Smartdrawn at the end of family table

  • FHQ - Added validation of passcode field selection in case of passcode feature is switched 'on'

  • FHQ - Introduced Single Sign On feature which can allow EMR patients to safely fill out Family History Questionnaire without having to register their FHQ account

  • FHQ - Inside Questionnaire Management turned 'Login page title' field into Rich Text editor

  • FHQ - Added expiration of webuser's password reset link

  • FHQ - Inside Skip Logic configuration allowed user to move between Datasheet tabs without closing Field Chooser window

  • FHQ - Step titles are now customizable through Questionnaire Management

  • FHQ - Added pagination to the list of relatives and individuals in Inviting Wizard

  • FHQ - Made Rich Text editor inside Email Template Management larger

  • WEB - Added password change enforcement for new users with administrator rights

  • WEB - Added validation of individual Spreadsheet formats user tries to save

  • WEB - Implemented "Create pedigree shortcut" feature that's now available in context menu of pedigrees list

  • WEB - Added new options for handling of new lines into Spreadsheet export window

  • WEB - Added Help button that is going to be available in top-right corner of application


Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Half-siblings are being displayed on both the "My Family" tab and "Other" tab of the Family Table

  • FHQ - Invite links and generic links become invalid after copying of encryption key

  • FHQ - Automatic smartdraw that's triggered for all FHQ pedigrees makes icons and subtexts overlap if individuals have entries of cancer diagnosis with long names

  • FHQ - Login screen allowed users to sign in even if passcode their entered was not correct

  • FHQ - Some translations were missing in Dutch localization

  • FHQ - Country specific characters of Dutch translations were not displayed properly

  • FHQ - Update notification email to reflect web user id instead of email address

  • FHQ - Headings of fields that get displayed on Datasheet at the end of Inviting Wizard were not properly positioned

  • FHQ - Double-clicking on "login" or "register" button on FHQ login screen can cause duplicated "Questionnaire Started" records in history log

  • FHQ - Summary page of FHQ does not allow user to access the same part of Family Table twice in a row

  • FHQ - Double-clicking on "add" button of table field opens overlapping data entry dialogs

  • FHQ - Webusers who registered their accounts in FHQ 2.0 were not able to request their passwords

  • FHQ - Added scroll bars to the list of Skip Logic conditions

  • FHQ - 'Other Family' section of Family Table cannot be accessed from summary page

  • FHQ - Displaying of gray panel that contains FHQ steps' instructions has been corrected

  • FHQ - If Questionnaire has invite email template locked it is displayed in the wizard only in raw HTML so it's difficult to see email's real formatting

  • FHQ - Selections to use some Datasheet styles over CSS in Questionnaire Management do not save

  • FHQ - Step of Inviting Wizard that allows inviting individuals who meet specific criteria was missing values of security passcodes

  • FHQ - History of patient related activities inside Inviting Wizard now displays dates in correct format

  • FHQ - Step of Inviting Wizard that shows list of relatives to invite was missing values of security passcodes

  • FHQ - Added scrolling of Email Template Management tab

  • FHQ - Speed-clicking on "Next" button in Family Table sometimes disabled "Next" and "Previous" buttons

  • WEB - Changing name of Progeny user requires the user to log out and in again in order to have new name shown inside profile pane in all modules

  • WEB - Corrected showing of error messages that could potentially show up while user tries to delete Questionnaire

  • WEB - Deleted Questionnaires still appear on the list

  • WEB - Fixed rendering of system fields that are shown in FHQ as drop-down fields

  • WEB - Corrected displaying of dates inside pedigree's subtexts

  • WEB - Corrected selection of months inside data field's value picker

  • WEB - Allowed saving of spreadsheet formats that do not have description field entered

  • SECURITY - Database that has more than 32 security classes would not allow users with security class of index higher than 32 to access parts of application they should be allowed to access

  • PEDIGREES - When Split Datasheet is open but no Datasheet format is shown selecting another pedigree member causes an error

  • PEDIGREES - After opening pedigree items of the list of pedigrees stay selected causing unwanted multiple selection

  • PEDIGREES - When Split Datasheet is activated files placed inside hyperlink columns of table field are opening only for the first selected individual

  • PEDIGREES - Symbol of corner dot is too big and in some cases covers other indicators

  • DATASHEETS - Annotated Texts had value of text interline different than in Desktop Client and sometimes it resulted in bottom ending of annotated text being cut off

  • DATASHEETS - Lookup table fields get rendered outside of web browser's space so that some part of table is not visible

  • SPREADSHEETS - Spreadsheet format could only be renamed if right folder has been selected. This constraint should be removed

  • SPREADSHEETS - Upon creating Datasheet's hyperlink field, documents will not link when selected

  • CONFIG - When migrating derby configuration database, system now appropriately informs user to not use default configuration URL and default password any longer

  • CONFIG - First failed attempt to login to configuration screen locks "Login" button so that in order to try logging in again whole page has to be refreshed first

  • ACTIONS - Right-click Menu - Foreign characters are not displaying properly in Action and Next-Stage Right-click Menus


PROGENY WEB 9.301.9079.04

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Half siblings were repeated in the family table while the other parent was missing from any part of the table. This is now fixed

  • LOGIN - Added password change enforcement for new admin users

  • DATASHEET - Checkboxes are not visible on printout if using Google Chrome

  • FHQ - Fix date editors incorrectly selecting month and year

  • FHQ - Failed attempt to sign in would show error message saying "Operation canceled". Now it shows appropriate message that says "Invalid Login"

  • SECURITY - Databases with the "All Users" security class not in the default position of one (1) had the potential to fail to open pedigrees created using the web client. This has now been fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.301.9079.02


  • FHQ - In Questionnaire Management Invitation Email Format is not a mandatory setting anymore

  • SERVER - Improved handling of server side errors to stop server specific messages from reaching the client side


Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - On Internet Explorer 8 pedigree window shows empty pedigree

  • FHQ - Date field does not accept dates older than 50 years

  • FHQ - Datasheet step reached from the summary page does not have horizontal scrollbars


PROGENY WEB 9.301.9079.01

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - The family builder stage of FHQ is currently showing an error when you click Next button to create the pedigree. This issue is now fixed

  • FHQ - Dutch translations disappeared from the FHQ

  • INVENTORY - It was possible to introduce recursive Inventory structure by adding a container as its own child or as a parent of one of its ancestors. This is now fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.301.9079.00

Bug Fixes

  • CONFIGURATION - After one failed attempt to logon to configuration screen clicking on "Configure" button has no effect. This problem has been fixed

  • CONFIGURATION - Existence of duplicated CSS themes in the themes database tables was causing errors when trying to migrate to Progeny Web 9.3.00+. This problem is now fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.300.9072.01


  • WEB BROWSERS - Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 is not supported any more by Progeny Web as Microsoft also recently ended support for this product. Users who use this version of Internet Explorer will get redirected to dedicated information page that provides links to download newer versions of web browsers

  • WEB USER - Security of the logout action has been improved and from now on this connection to the web server is fully encrypted

  • LOCALIZATION - Spanish translations have been updated


Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - If Questionnaire was set to lock patient's questionnaires on submission these questionnaires would get locked even if patient had not submitted his Questionnaire yet but instead logged out using "Save, Finish Later" button

  • FHQ - Dialogs that allow patient to add new entry into table field could contain drop down fields that didn't work

  • WEB USER - If Progeny Web user closes browser tab without logging out his session would stay open. Closing of such session has been fixed and now all locks obtained by Progeny Web user get released automatically

  • CONFIGURATION - Security checkboxes were not properly positioned if license didn't include FHQ

  • CONFIGURATION - Progeny Web configuration used to show "FHQ CSS Management" tab even for customers who don't have FHQ license

  • SERVER - Migration from Progeny 8 to Progeny 9.300 is now fixed

  • SERVER - Migration from Progeny 9.1.01 or earlier to Progeny 9.300 have now been fixed. They used to break if the security configuration file was empty

  • SERVER - Updating to Progeny 9.300 would occasionally be interrupted by an error that comes from processing of FHQ CSS Themes. Now it's fixed

  • SERVER - On Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 updating to Progeny 9.300 would occasionally show an error message that regards to configuration database port being busy. Now it's fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.300.9072.00


  • SECURITY - Hyperlink fields links and files can now be viewed and/or downloaded in a much more secure manner without exposing sensitive details in the URL as part of the query string

  • SECURITY - Application will now warn the user if their web browser's settings do not allow cookies to be stored

  • SAMPLES - Aside from an option of Action to prompt user for amount of samples to be created it can also be set to always enter the same configured amount of samples

  • FHQ - Spouse who is added to a relative of Proband is now added to "Other Family" tab

  • FHQ - Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law now have appropriate titles instead of being marked as 'Other' relative

  • FHQ - Relative who was previously marked as 'Spouse' is now being called 'Spouse/Partner'

  • FHQ - The Move pedigree on submit configuration parameter has been moved to Questionnaire Management screen. Additional Lock on submit setting has been introduced. From now on questionnaire that is being submitted by the Patient can get automatically locked and corresponding pedigree can get moved to specified folder. Questionnaire that has been locked can be manually unlocked using appropriate context menu option in Invities module

  • FHQ - Required Field validation will now be performed when patient submits Consent page or Profile page

  • INTEGRATION - Fields in which EMR patients' data are stored can now be configured inside Integration Fields tab of configuration screen

  • INTEGRATION - Security tokens can now be generated in the configuration screen and used inside EMR application to embed a view of Patient's pedigree

  • CONFIGURATION - Major changes made to the storage of configuration settings include
    1. Database storage is now context based so that the settings for one application context or folder are separate from the settings for another application context
    2. Configuration changes including migration no longer happen transparently but instead the administrator is prompted to make explicit decisions on how they want the configuration to be set up
    3. Simplified Derby configuration UI to differentiate between remotely and locally hosted derby databases
    4. Ordinary users trying to connect to a server that is not yet configured are presented with an instructive error page. Administrators on the other hand are presented with the Derby configuration screen with very clear UI showing what they need to do to finish the setup
  • WEB COMPATIBILITY - Application will now properly direct Internet Explorer web browsers to not use Compatibility View mode


Bug Fixes

  • FOLDERS - Sub-folders were displayed with too much of indentation. This is now fixed

  • DATASHEETS - Datasheets with table fields that have hyperlink columns had problems when switching from one Individual/Sample/Pedigree to another wherein the documents in these hyperlink fields would not be loaded open nor download

  • DATASHEETS - Tall annotated text that was added using Desktop Client can be taller on web than how it appears in the Desktop Client. As result of that some bottom part of such text can be cut off

  • DATASHEETS - Long annotated text is now being properly wrapped.

  • SPREADSHEETS - Exporting to .xlsx format does not work in samples module

  • SPREADSHEETS - Exporting Spreadsheet to file causes an error if "Export one row per individual" option is selected

  • INDIVIDUALS - "New invite" option has been removed from the context menu when clicking on white space on the list of Individuals

  • INDIVIDUALS - Fixed drag & drop on multiple singlets into another folder

  • SAMPLES - Barcode printing would fail if printed value is empty

  • SAMPLES - Drag & drop multiple samples does not work. When starting to drag it loses previous selection

  • INVENTORY - Cannot add top level containers to the root as it has no right-click menu

  • PEDIGREES - Split datasheet shows "Operation failed" error after moving mouse cursor over some of elements

  • PEDIGREES - Adding mother or father to a person who already has parent should not display 2 different error messages

  • PEDIGREES - Newly added annotated text would be saved as separate copy every time they get edited if pedigree did not have annotated text before

  • PEDIGREES - Positioning of parents that were added with auto-draw option unchecked is now fixed

  • FHQ - Patients that were manually invited to the Questionnaire were able to use duplicate the web user names

  • FHQ - Invited relatives were able to see the pedigree even if Questionnaire was configured to show pedigree only to the proband

  • FHQ - Page that informs the patient about his questionnaire being locked should not show Go Back button as there is no place in the application for that patient to go back to

  • FHQ - Patient cannot type in spaces in names of half-siblings

  • FHQ - 'Invite Declined' status has been removed from the list of statuses in invites module

  • FHQ - FHQ invite emails are not sent when done from a newly created database

  • FHQ - In invites module: If in the process of inviting existing family member the pedigree entry was highlighted too quickly user could not continue to the next step of the process

  • FHQ - In Invites module: If in the process of inviting existing family member the check box that selects particular relative to be invited is not clicked precisely this person will not be marked for inviting

  • FHQ - If validation errors were raised Next and Previous buttons might stop responding to mouse clicks

  • FHQ - On summary page pedigree printing does not work

  • FHQ - Double clicking on Next button may cause "Failed to create Pedigree" error to be displayed

  • FHQ - List of email templates displays Body column in which actual clickable links appear. If such link is clicked content of whole web browser tab changes and user is not logged into Progeny Web anymore


PROGENY WEB 9.202.9064.00


  • FHQ - Administrators of Progeny Web now have an option to specify FHQ URL encryption passphrase in the configuration screen.

  • FHQ - Text of the invite link that used to say "Click here to begin your Online Family History Questionnaire" is now customizable through email templates editor.

  • FHQ - Half-siblings page will no longer give an error message if row for Half-siblings is added but no data is entered

  • FHQ - Family Table will now display genders of cousins

  • FHQ - Grandparents will now always be displayed at the top of Family Table

  • FHQ - Patient who is a member of pedigree and completes an Individual questionnaire will now be allowed to view the pedigree when allowed in configuration

  • LICENSING - Global Licensing Server section of configuration now checks if License ID consists of exactly 10 digits


Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Trying to build an FHQ in newly created database results in a database error

  • FHQ - While saving CSS configuration some of CSS mappings get swapped

  • FHQ - Proband should be able to add relatives to all currently existing members of the family

  • FHQ - Patient who created his account in FHQ 2.0 should still be able to use this account to log into generic link in FHQ 3.0

  • FHQ - Improved Dutch localization of Family History Questionnaire

  • FHQ - Generic link changes every time we go the the Questionnaire configuration.

  • FHQ - Add half-siblings page displays with small text boxes for half-sibling's and other parents' first name

  • FHQ - Table datasheet tab name is not displaying in header of FHQ for table popup

  • FHQ - Validations don't work for required field when it is a dropdown

  • FHQ - Patient who tries to use old invite link that was generated using FHQ 2.0 will now see an error page that explains nature of the problem and asks him to request a new link.

  • FHQ - All places in the FHQ that mention "Half sibling" should use "Half-sibling" form that includes hyphen

  • FHQ - Reset password email is sent but does not allow password to be reset

  • FHQ - Deleting individual from My Mother's/Father's tabs in Family Table does not auto-refresh to show individual has been deleted

  • FHQ - "Delete Individual" option sometimes removes incorrect person from Family Table

  • FHQ - Invites module does not allow inviting proband of pedigree that has only one member to Family type of questionnaire. This operation should be allowed.

  • FHQ - Configuration of Skip Logic shows an error if user moves to the next Datasheet tab without first clicking away on the white space.

  • FHQ - Printing of pedigree does not produce any result file

  • INVITES - Attempt to show invites for specific questionnaire might result in database error if these invites were set to the same status at least twice

  • PEDIGREES - Annotated Text should respect line breaks

  • SAMPLES - on screens with small resolution opening context menu that contains large set of actions sometimes causes an error

  • MENUS - context menus leave small unneeded gray boxes

  • REACTIONS - Cannot create an "Update Value" reaction with "Prompt Text" for drop down fields.


PROGENY WEB 9.201.9057.02

Bug Fixes

  • EMAIL SERVICE - Scheduler tries to start despite insufficient configuration

  • FHQ - Date field does not accept dates older than 50 years


PROGENY WEB 9.201.9057.01

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ PEDIGREE - Show pedigree button on summary page no longer displays pedigree. Only shows whitespace


PROGENY WEB 9.201.9057.00


  • FIELDS - Added a new system field called Sample Folder Path to display the sample folder path

  • FHQ - Added support for Dutch language to FHQ3.x

  • LANGUAGE - Enabled ability to show FHQ in secondary language if browser has more than one supported languages that match Progeny supported languages

  • SECURITY - Enhanced support for cross site request forgery protection after fixing some nagging cookie name duplication issues


Bug Fixes

  • SPREADSHEET - Tab is not closing after exporting to excel and results in an empty file being created

  • FHQ - On the half-siblings page the field width for the First Name and Other Parent Name are really small

  • FHQ - Hyperlink fields showing a random small grey border below the field

  • FHQ - You can send a reminder to a partially completed status if the questionnaire started with an invitation and can also send to SENT status questionnaires. You cannot send a reminder to Partially Completed if started from generic link or to STARTED questionnaires for either invitation or generic link

  • FHQ - FHQ is is missing the powered by progeny logo at the bottom of the page. This was available in old version of FHQ

  • PEDIGREES - Bug in smart draw causing pedigree to be unusable until close/reopen sometimes. This happened mainly when adding siblings to a pedigree that would cause it to scroll

  • FHQ - Adding an external URL to FHQ configuration causes the invite wizard to fail

  • FHQ - Patient invite wizard fails if first name field, phone number field, last name field and passcode fields are not specified in FHQ configuration

  • FHQ - Crash when opening family builder page for pedigree folders that have icon subtext template option checked

  • FHQ - Dates are displayed with 2 digit years regardless of the date display setting in configuration

  • FHQ - Invite wizard for existing patient using a query does not work

  • FHQ - Changing help text edit box in questionnaire causes the questionnaire type to change from FAMILY to INDIVIDUAL

  • PEDIGREES - Cannot print, show page breaks, show grids in pedigree viewer, save as image, copy pedigree if XSRF protection is enabled

  • LICENSING - Changing and applying new License ID to web server does not reload license unless server is restarted. Also some license types were being wrongly allocated as affording clinical access


PROGENY WEB 9.200.9053.01

Bug Fixes

  • PEDIGREE - No issue symbol was being drawn over subtext making it impossible to read

  • LAB MARKERS - Prohibit spreadsheet formats that include marker fields from being executed from Progeny Web spreadsheets since it does not allow lab features

  • DATASHEET - Add ability to order lookup table rows by natural ascending order or the first lookup field

  • SECURITY - Add more XSS protection of the login forms

  • SECURITY - Enable a more comprehensive blacklist of file types that cannot be uploaded using all upload windows

  • FHQ - Clicking Next right after editing a datasheet field causes an ugly message box to be displayed

  • PEDIGREES - Enabled the New Family wizard on the pedigrees module toolbar

  • LICENSING - Possible to run FHQ patient questionnaires on the same server as the Clinical server

  • FHQ - Added text rendering above datasheet fields

  • SECURITY - Auto-complete disabled

  • SECURITY - Allow of JavaScript files, CSS files and image bundles to be cached. No other files and/or content must be allowed to be cached


PROGENY WEB 9.200.9053.00


  • FHQ 3.0 - Added a new robust family history questionnaire module with family outreach capabilities and enhanced and configurable user interface. Also fully supports mobile devices such as IPAD, Surface and Android devices

  • SECURITY - Added customized 403,404,500 error pages to hide the fact we use a specific web server

  • LIMS WORKFLOWS - Add ability to recognize entry stages when a sample is at the beginning of a workflow

  • LIMS ORDERS - Added a new orders module functionality to allow ordering of parent samples as well as aliquots

  • LIMS ORDERS - Display columns in the Orders Module need to display Individual Level fields as well as sample level fields

  • LIMS ORDERS - Need to be able to use tab key to go to the next edit box in the specific search when searching samples online

  • LIMS ORDERS - Inventory Browser search needs to use the operator identified in the saved query of the format instead of always using the equals operator

  • BASIC WORKFLOWS - Added pedigree datasheet basic workflow

  • BASIC WORKFLOWS - Added pedigree spreadsheet builder to basic workflows

  • BASIC WORKFLOWS - Added run pedigree spreadsheet to basic workflows

  • SUB-PEDIGREES - Added sub-pedigree support in web client minus the ability to create sub-pedigrees which is only available in the desktop client in this release

  • PROXY TABLE - Added ability to process remote fields in pedigree subtext

  • PROXY TABLE - Added ability to process remote fields in pedigree symbols

  • EMAIL SERVICE - Added a standalone email scheduler to process all things email in the progeny web server application

  • PEDIGREE - Added ability to handle pedigree level fields as dynamic annotated text in pedigrees

  • DERBY CONFIGURATION - Added an embeddable light weight derby database to store Progeny Web Server configuration details


Bug Fixes

  • PEDIGREE - The Question Mark Icon is not being displayed in web client pedigrees

  • DATASHEET - If you accidentally right click a table you cannot get the Add Row/Copy Row/Delete Row context menu to go away until you click one of the available options

  • SPREADSHEET - INDIVIDUAL CREATED DATE field does not export in the same format as shown on the screen

  • DBVERSION - When logging into to FHQ or configuration window with newer application than db version then it fails quietly without letting the user know that there is a database version problem

  • SPREADSHEET - Exports are missing table field data completely

  • SPREADSHEET - Table field data being exported to the wrong column

  • SECURITY - Add better handling of XSRF protection. Also fix issue with destroying sessions when users log out

  • DATASHEET - Opening a datasheet for individual in folder without a template causes javascript crash instead of falling back to default datasheet format for the logged on user

  • SPREADSHEET - List control in warehouse window does not scroll properly when you have items wider than the fields panel. This happens most when searching

  • EMR HYPERLINK - When user connects using the embedded hyperlink login the pedigree obtains a lock that it never releases. Make hyperlink pedigree a true snapshot that has no live connection to server once pedigree is rendered

  • EMR HYPERLINK - embedded hyperlink pedigrees no longer being displayed

  • PEDIGREE - Toggle datasheet fails and causes write lock if no format chosen

  • PEDIGREE - Change pedigree save as image option to use an IFRAME to avooid browsers blocking a new tab/window when saving the old way

  • SMARTLIST - Operation Canceled error occurs when you search for a sample from the smart search and drag and drop one of the search results into a new sample folder

  • SMARTLIST - Incorrect error message shown when you search for a sample and drag and drop the only item in the sample list viewer into another sample folder

  • CONFIGURATION - Configuration screen shows password parameters in cleartext instead of hiding entered characters

  • PEDIGREE - When loading pedigree fail softly if there are errors in symbols and subtext loading. Echo error messages but let the pedigree itself load

  • CONFIGURATION - Make embedded png/logo.png the default logo for new applications instead of the current one to avoid SSL tunneling issues

  • LICENSING - Change label in global license server (GLS) license number to read License ID

  • DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT - Uploading files in to server keeps complaining about upload file size limits when they are not exceeded

  • PEDIGREE - Make pedigree name field wider in New Pedigree window

  • DATASHEET - Dropdown fields do not allow change value to nothing (NULL) once one of the values has been chosen

  • LIMS ACTIONS - When there are too many actions to fit on one screen some of the action menus end up hidden behind the browser instead of being scrollable

  • GENERAL BROWSER - Disable/prevent the Backspace key from triggering the browser Back button in the browser

  • PEDIGREE - The marked by (+) symbol shows correctly on pedigree but if it is added via the web client it does not get saved

  • RISK ALGORITHMS - Disable GENTRI algorithm from the pedigree right click menu and drop support for it for now

  • LIMS REACTIONS - While creating new printing reaction fields are not getting saved

  • RISK ALGORITHMS - Make sure all risk algorithms UI (BrcaPro, Boadicea, CAGene) close dialog after successful submit and echo error message when error occurs on server side. Right now it just dies quietly

  • BROWSER - Internet Explorer (all versions) does not allow the user to select, highlight or copy text

  • SECURITY - Disable the ability for users logged as Progeny administrator from trying to change password from web browser

  • PEDIGREE - When in Toggle Spreadsheet the field warehouse window does not close once opened

  • CONFIGURATION - Moving from LICENSING TAB in configuration to other tabs does not allow coming back to license tab. In fact the License Tab remains selected even as you move to other tabs


PROGENY WEB 9.101.9025.07

Bug Fixes

  • PEDIGREE - Question mark symbol was not being rendered in the web client pedigree viewer even though it was rendering properly in the desktop client. This has now been fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.101.9025.06

Bug Fixes

  • PEDIGREE - EMR Hyperlinks to pedigree viewer was showing blank pedigrees. This is now fixed

  • PEDIGREE - EMR Hyperlinks to pedigree viewer was locking pedigrees and would not release lock even after the viewer was closed. This is now fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.101.9025.05

Bug Fixes

  • SECURITY - Stop the system from attempting to enforce CSRF protection when the site explicitly disabled it. This was causing connection failures in VPN tunneled environments


PROGENY WEB 9.101.9025.04

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Clicking Save and Finish Later button after changing patient gender left the gender as UNKNOWN regardless of the new gender when signing up an INDIVIDUAL using a generic link. this is now fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.101.9025.03

Bug Fixes

  • FHQ - Changing gender to Male or Female on an FHQ generic link did not have an effect on gender if user logged off using Save and Finish Later button. This has now been fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.101.9025.02


  • SECURITY - Added clickjack vulnerability protection to the software

  • BASIC WORKFLOWS - Added basic workflow buttons for pedigree datasheets and spreadsheets


PROGENY WEB 9.101.9025.01

Bug Fixes

  • SPREADSHEETS - Exporting spreadsheets exported blank pages. This is now fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.101.9025.00


  • FHQ - New option available to display different headings for first name in add nieces/nephews, cousins, and half-siblings pages

  • PEDIGREE - Add quick search to web client to locate specific individuals within the pedigree viewer (model after search function in FAT)

  • SAMPLES - The aliquot list is now a smartlist object.

  • SCAN MODE - Default the Repeat Action checkbox to Y if you are running an action (not a stage)

  • SCAN MODE - Allow "Browse to Folder" capability in Scan Mode (and for set reactions) should tie to Sample Folder Path

  • SPREADSHEETS - Querying on a dropdown field only allows you to select from the list values; this makes it impossible to search for any value other than what is in the pick list. This is now allowed.

  • SPREADSHEETS - export to XLSX format instead of the XLS format

  • SPREADSHEETS - Add sorting to spreadsheet formats list

  • WEB CONFIG - add some ability to configure UID and PWD for the EMR link connection

Bug Fixes

  • ACTIONS - "Repeat Current Action after it completes" option does not work in the web client - this has now been repaired.

  • BAD ERROR MESSAGE - When you search for a sample in smart search and then sort A-Z on a smart search header

  • DATASHEETS - When entering a date the user receives an error, and when the default language in Chrome is changed to English the problem goes away

  • DATASHEETS - When loading of flat fields returns nothing the datasheet must return empty data instead of causing a failure

  • DATASHEETS - When a datasheet is already in use by another user, the second user trying to open the datasheet gets an error saying it is currently locked by themselves

  • DATASHEETS - Images must be displayed at normal size instead of being scaled to fit field size. Let it scroll

  • FHQ - Family Table selections do not trigger popups until clicked out of

  • FHQ - Text fields and number fields display 10 pt font in v9.001.9013.01 regardless of settings in IDS

  • FHQ - Some dropdowns not activated when arrow clicked

  • FHQ - modify family section tabs so users do not mistake them for action buttons.

  • FHQ - Table Data Sheets throwing error message when fields displayed in TDS and not in table

  • FHQ - When using field labels for dropdown fields within the questionnaire datasheet the label will display along the top of the field regardless of how it is configured. This is now fixed.

  • FHQ - When using field labels within the questionnaire datasheet whitespaces inserted at the end of the label (to make all labels line up nicely) are being discarded by the system. These will now display properly.

  • INVENTORY - Editing Containers in the web client makes them disappear from the inventory and they cannot be recovered

  • INVENTORY - Cannot add inventory items in the web client. This has been resolved.

  • PEDIGREES - Web client does not allow Pedigree name to be renamed within Pedigree Canvas window

  • SPREADSHEETS - Customer getting database error when attempting to save SS format in WEB

  • WEB FIELDS - Fields that user does not have read permission must not be visible in the table.

  • WEB FIELDS - Fields that user does not have write permission must appear as read-only subfields in a table.

  • WEB LOGIN - Logging on with no uid and pwd or very short UID and pwd causes 500 error on server

  • WEB UI - Containers are populating way too much indented space when sub containers are added; Makes it unreadable


PROGENY WEB 9.100.9020.01

Bug Fixes

  • LICENSING - Upload license and Request license buttons now ONLY visible when server is in traditional license mode

  • LICENSING - GLS client now connects to correct production server

  • SECURITY - XSRF token error that occurred in Chrome on first login is now fixed

  • LOGON - 500 error that was occurring intermittently on logon is now fixed

  • FHQ - Loading FHQ configuration fails when ONLY system fields are present

  • FHQ - Printing and saving as Image and copying image fail due to missing XSRF token

  • SPREADSHEETS - All spreadsheet exports but the Excel export do not work any longer


PROGENY WEB 9.100.9020.00


  • ANALYSIS - Generate Bodacea exports from web client

  • ANALYSIS - Generate CAGene exports from web client

  • ANALYSIS - Generate BRCAPro exports from web client

  • CONFIGURATION - Implement Progeny Web version update logging in Tomcat

  • DATABASE - Add ability to have administrative users other than the 'progeny' account

  • DATASHEET - Add support for proxy tables

  • FHQ - Integrate Spanish Localization files

  • SECURITY - Create a web configuration parameter that will define a file upload extension blacklist containing the most important files types to block (.exe, .html, .xhtml, etc)

  • SECURITY - Combination of Unique URL, Username and Password for web configuration screen must reject entry without specifying what the nature of the failure is. Stops UUID enumeration attack by automating computation of correct one

  • SECURITY - Modification or removal of session cookie does not invalidate session. Application will now terminate session if session cookie is modified or removed.

  • SECURITY - Obfuscate error messages coming from Database or web server to user meaningful ones

  • SECURITY - Web application now implementing CSRF Tokens

  • SECURITY - Enhanced validation of email address on FHQ login page

  • SECURITY - XRF token validation added to image thumbnails from Spreadsheets and smart lists and datasheet tables

Bug Fixes

  • CONFIGURATION - New configuration parameters were not being loaded into memory unless CONFIG user logs on

  • FHQ - Failure to load field data for FHQ config screen if only system fields are used and no user-defined fields

  • FHQ - Gender field breaks saving of Datasheet values

  • INVENTORY - Set the default barcode to the Container Path + Autogenerated Container Name

  • LOGINS - Getting 500 error occasionally if server was started but no real request was passed

  • SECURITY - "document_open” URI allows arbitrary documents to be opened even if they may not be linked to a field . This will now fail and cause an authentication error message to be displayed.

  • SECURITY - Lack of input validation on e-mails could lead to stored XSS. Add XSS filtering to FHQ including email fields

  • SMARTLIST - Field warehouse failures due to missing Data Source node elements

  • SPREADSHEET - Tables fields were appearing with data on spreadsheets even if user does not have the correct security credentials

  • SPREADSHEET - When exporting Individual Spreadsheet containing fields from multiple tables the data will be incorrectly parsed in the export file. Users were only affected when using the "Export One Row Per Individual" option in the Spreadsheet export menu.

  • SPREADSHEET - Table rows are shown in green ONLY instead of alternating green and yellow


PROGENY WEB 9.001.9013.01

  • Checking the 'Conserve Left Space' smartdraw option in pedigree viewer caused icons to jump around. This has now been fixed so that the feature works as it should by shifting all icons to the left of the canvas
  • Loading symbols in pedigree viewer has been refactored to make it orders of magnitude faster. This was in response to some customers who have in excess of 300 symbols in some formats making it very slow to open pedigrees.
  • After changing configuration password from default password to something else, the database configuration tab of the web server configuration screen starts throwing errors.This has now been fixed
  • The FHQ pedigrees now use the same pedigree viewer as Progeny Clinical, replacing the SVG driven pedigree viewer that was causing some printing and other constant problems
  • Creating or editing a 'New Aliquot' reaction that inherits fields from the Parent Sample was causing JavaScript errors as well as database errors. This has now been fixed
  • Due to recent changes in some version of the Java JRE; some users were unable to open pedigrees because the engine for parsing pedigree XML was no longer able to read the validating DTD file from within the web server. This was especially true when SSL was configured on the web server. This has now been fixed
  • Add progress message to show progress of loading new symbols and/or subtext formats when user switches from one format to another using the format chooser or the most recently used dropdown list
  • Users in France or using the FR/fr locale in their browser were seeing German translations of text and menus and buttons in the pedigree viewer. This has now been restored so that they will see English version since Progeny does not yet support German and French translations
  • In pedigree viewer it is sometimes not possible to save header and footer edited values. Other pedigree properties were affected as well but were not as susceptible as header and footer. This has now been fixed
  • Some customers with pedigree data imported from old foreign databases have reported seeing improper sibling relationships. These badly formed sibling relationships cause the pedigree to crash when it is opened in pedigree viewer because the sibling depth values are wrong. This has been fixed on the front end by intercepting bad values and replacing them with acceptable depth values.
  • Some pedigrees with members marked with 'Infertile' attribute were either not being saved or not loading properly. This has now been fixed.
  • Datasheet table cells were being resized every time a new row was added causing the header and the table columns to be misaligned. This has now been fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.001.9013.00

  • In IE9 and IE10 the pedigree viewer was cutting off right side of pedigree after opening toggle datasheet and quickly scrolling to right. This has now been fixed
  • Fixed a bug in table datasheets that affected new rows. A newly added row was not properly refreshed so that the computed and columns/fields with default values were not automatically refreshed as is done in the parent table. This has now been fixed.
  • Added a new feature to make it possible to add table rows by copying from an existing row. Copied rows will have identical values in all fields except the ID of the row. This allow for quick data entry.
  • Selecting a new datasheet format from format chooser or from the recently used format list did not cause a new format to be loaded if user had a default datasheet format for the user profile. This has now been fixed
  • Symbols query operators have been expanded to include the IN and NOT IN operators. This allows a list of values to be used to determine what symbol to display for a person icon
  • Also added the ability to display a user entered symbols label in the pedigree. The labels are generated or entered in Progeny Desktop in symbols maintenance. Where these labels are available then they will be displayed in place of the long text that now includes the field name, operator and value. Users that prefer the old style of describing symbols legend can still do so by ignoring the labels.
  • Fixed the pedigree datasheets that would not open if there was help text with missing data.
  • Streamlined the way that tables are saved and/or refreshed when new rows are added, rows are deleted or tables cell values are changed. This now works much faster and snappier while at the same time ensuring that no sporadic data reversions are done when there was sort order on the table. The tables and table datasheets are fully and completely synchronized so that changes in one is immediately reflected in the other and the UI view always represents the data as it exists in the database.
  • Changed YES/NO editors so that clicking on checkbox in the datasheet causes the data to be saved immediately instead of having an editor displayed first. This fixed the problem where YES/NO fields on table datasheets were not saving properly and would sometimes revert to the old value.
  • Adding twins in the pedigree UI now works correctly all the time and DOES NOT cause subsequent siblings to be added a twins too. It is also now possible to have more than one group of twins.
  • Fixed styles for buttons on table fields in questionnaire workflow in the Dashboard
  • Toolbar buttons now scroll using left and right buttons on the toolbar so that the buttons will not be hidden when there are too many buttons to fit on the screen
  • FHQ configuration has now been fixed to allow users to choose pedigree-level field for final comments field
  • Fixed bug in FHQ where dropdown lists were not scrolling properly in IE8.
  • Added separate step to Questionnaire workflow to add patient email.
  • In pedigree, updating data on a person in pedigree sometimes results in the symbols legend being hidden. This has now been fixed
  • Added a number of security fixes to make the application less vulnerable to cross site scripting attacks


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.08

  • On smart lists, clicking on the green plus button to open right click menu sometimes does not work especially after scrolling. This has now been fixed
  • Opening spreadsheets from folder right click menu option invokes the version 8 style spreadsheet build. This has now been fixed
  • Application was potentially open to XSS attack when User-Agent header parameter was injected with XSS code. The UA value was accepted and sent back to client with response without cleaning up. The value was however not used on the client side but was potentially problematic. This has now been fixed.


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.07

  • Added an option to duplicate table row in datasheets
  • Added ability to change SAB, Infertile, No Issue, Adopted Status and Marked By attributes on a group of highlighted individuals
  • Fixed the margins on PDF generated when printing pedigree. These were wrong when the scale of the pedigree was not 100%
  • Fixed an error that occurred in table datasheets that have no default format defined.
  • System now automatically reloads application if user tries to log on to updated server using an old version of the client. This problem occurred when user did not reload the browser but instead clicked the LOGIN button on an existing login window that was open from an old session.
  • The highlight rectangle in pedigree was not always showing up on Chrome browser and in certain cases it was leaving some trash on the screen. This has now been fixed
  • Copied pedigree was badly affected by quality factor introduced to improved the quality of the generated image. The page size was correct but pedigree in it seems to be scaled if only slightly
  • Sometimes scrolling a big pedigree to very bottom-right corner and then printing it resulted in the pedigree on the screen being messed up
  • When changing smart draw options in the pedigree no longer automatically triggers re-running of the smartdraw algorithm. This action is now only triggered by user action
  • The pedigree viewer client was allowing setting of SAB status on the server side against the rules. This has now been fixed so that the system will reject such an attempt on both the client and server side
  • Added a fix to make sure that the footer should always be placed at the end of every page regardless of the pedigree scale
  • Added a 'show footer on 1st page only' option on the pedigree page setup window. This allows those users who do not want footer on every page to restrict it to only the first page


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.06

  • Improved the speed of editing split spreadsheets and split datasheets
  • Added a refresh button that allows users to refresh subtext and symbols on pedigree after entering data
  • When new relatives are added or deleted from pedigree while one of the split datasheets or spreadsheets are open, the pedigree is automatically saved. Moving focus to spreadsheet refreshes the rows in the spreadsheet to reflect the newly added individuals
  • Infertile, No Issue and Consanguineous spousal relationships are now properly drawn on pedigree
  • Changing smartdraw options no longer triggers automatic running of smartdraw algorithm. Smartdraw is now only executed in response to user action on clicking the smartdraw toolbar button
  • System was allowing changing of individual SAB status even when the rules are such that the person may not have that status. This has now been fixed
  • All subtext is now included on printed pedigree even if its on the edges of the page. Also if individual icon has tall subtext and is placed near the bottom of printed page continuation of its subtext was not visible on that next page. This has also been fixed
  • In some rare circumstances the highlight rectangle was not rendering correctly and would leave some trash on the screen. This happened in the Chrome browser and has now been fixed
  • The quality of copied and printed pedigrees was a little fuzzy when pedigree is scaled by a factor less than 100%. This has now been fixed
  • The mouse hotspot around the icon has been increased when clicking in PALETTE mode. It is now easier to add relatives using the palette as a result
  • It is now possible to change the vital status of more than one individuals by highlighting them and selecting the Change Deceased Status menu option
  • A configuration property has been added to determine when the toggle/split datasheet is to be displayed automatically when pedigree is opened
  • It is now possible to open full datasheet by selecting the Open Datasheet menu option on an individual icon
  • Cursor is now a pointer everywhere except where we need it to be different e.g. on hyperlinks
  • Running smartdraw after entering data for individuals on pedigree will now correctly calculate the individual space to include the new data
  • When individual icons are dragged and saved the icons Y-coordinate is always off by the height of the child line. This has now been fixed
  • Added a New Questionnaire button to pedigrees module to allow sending of new invites to prospects
  • Switching from one person to another in the split datasheet is a lot more efficient especially when data has been edited. When switching without editing data there is still a small lag of up to 3 seconds.
  • Datasheet fields that are replicated on all tabs did not always get updated when the values were changed in one of the tabs. This has now been fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.05

  • Parent lines were being drawn over the subtext in some cases. This was fixed so that the subtext is drawn over any lines and hence is always visible and not cut off
  • Copy image of pedigree was reported to appear blank in rare circumstances (not reproducible) when the pedigree is scaled by a factor less than or great than 100%. Added a possible fix even though the issue cannot be reproduced
  • Selecting a suggestion from the search suggestion popup now always executes the search when selected using mouse click. It worked correctly when using the ENTER key on keyboard
  • Switching from one person to another in a pedigree with a split datasheet open did not always switch to new person in the datasheet. This was seen in high latency networks where saving data was slower than normal. This has now been fixed
  • Datasheet fields that appear on all tabs were not always being refreshed and sometimes held on to data for previous person when switching between individuals in a pedigree. This has now been fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.04

  • Fixed issue with display of pedigree members with unknown gender
  • Copying pedigree had some resolution issues that caused some pages to be blank for large pedigree exported with scale of less than 100%


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.03

  • It is now possible to open table datasheets from pedigree split (also known as toggle) datasheets
  • A progress message is now displayed at the bottom of the pedigree window when data is being refreshed in subtext
  • Toolbar buttons in the pedigree window now have tooltips. This helps when the toolbar has a scrollbar and hence hides the text description
  • Clicking on dropdown in lookup tables was causing a crash in IE8(+) browsers. This is now fixed
  • In certain rare circumstances scrolling down a smartlist was causing the application to crash. This is now fixed
  • Added a fit to page checkbox to the pedigree print dialog. This allows users to choose to scale the pedigree appropriately when printing so that pedigree prints on one page
  • When copying pedigree the scale of the pedigree on screen is now taken into account so that pedigree is exported to image at the same size as it appears on the screen
  • It is now possible to change gender of an individual from male to female when that person is married to a spouse of unknown gender
  • The RESET PASSWORD link sent via FHQ is now sending the correct URL that enables users to log back in and change their passwords
  • It was not possible to add more than one relative to a pedigree opened with a scale of less than 100% or more than 100%. This has now been fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.02

  • Multi-column subtext fields rendered below a table were displaying duplicated data from the first subtext row. This bug is fixed
  • Refreshing data on a table with multiple rows hides or skips the rows at the bottom of the table if data was added to rows at the top. So if there were two rows of data of subtext and a row is inserted to make the total number of rows 3, only two rows would be displayed on subtext on refreshing while the third row would disappear from subtext. This bug is fixed
  • Subtext legend was not accurate when there were subtext rows that came after a table field. This is now fixed
  • Subtext that includes data with line field/new line characters causes the subtext legend items below that row to overlap. This is now fixed
  • In certain rare circumstances pedigrees that have at least one member with unknown gender but referenced as father by another person or as spouse by another female person; were throwing an XML error while loading. This is now fixed


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.01

  • Some pedigrees with a scale of zero (0) are causing errors when opening a pedigree
  • Double clicks have been removed throughout the software. On smart lists (pedigrees, samples, individuals) the double clicks have been replaced by hyperlinked first column that allows default action of each smartlist to be executed by following the link. On pedigree smartlist clicking/touching the link launches pedigree
  • Added a button that when clicked or touched opens the menu options that would ordinarily be invoked with a mouse right click on smart list. The right clicks have been maintained for now for backward compatibility but these will be phased out in the future
  • Optimized the launching of pedigrees to make it faster even in cases where there are lots of complex fields (e.g. tables) linked to subtext and/or symbols


PROGENY WEB 9.000.9012.00

Progeny 9

  • Stable release for version 9