Press the button below to download an update
Installation Instructions:
- Click the link below to download the update. Once the file has been downloaded to your PC, double-click on the file to launch the install program. This will update your Progeny 10 client.
- You must close Progeny before running the update. This update is for the client PCs only, not the Server. Each client PC must run the update.
Release Notes
PROGENY (DB ver. 10113)
Scheduled, 8/11/2020Bug Fixes
- Actions - Default action is not appearing in Scan Mode window
- Pedigree - In some cases added text is being duplicated when a pedigree is saved
PROGENY (DB ver. 10112)
Unplanned, 1/15/2020Bug Fixes
- Actions - Default sample/aliquot naming is not working correctly in certain cases
- Datasheets - Table datasheet formats will not save if one or both extra tabs are deleted
- Remote (Proxy) Tables - Table subfields are not working in the spreadsheet
PROGENY (DB ver. 10110)
Scheduled, 10/9/2019Enhancements
- Fields - Display a confirmation dialog when deleting drop down field options
PROGENY (DB ver. 10108)
Unplanned, 9/10/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10108)
Scheduled, 8/5/2019Enhancements
- Genetic Test Results - Change summarizing fields to use contains instead of equals to get appropriate results
Bug Fixes
- Datasheet - System fields are incorrectly displaying as additional columns in tables in certain cases
- Genetic Test Results - Using GTR system fields in Individual spreadsheet queries will cause delays in retrieving results
- Samples - Save samples as text was not working properly if Sample Name was not the first column in the Smartlist
- Spreadsheet - Displaying or querying table or table summary field data is really slow for some fields
- User Maintenance - The licensing settings for Administrator type users is not displaying correctly in the dialog when switching between users
- User Maintenance - User permissions display incorrectly when holding down the Ctrl key to select multiple users
PROGENY (DB ver. 10101)
Unplanned, 6/26/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10101)
Unplanned, 6/24/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10101)
Unplanned, 6/7/2019Bug Fixes
- Search - In certain cases searching from the main screen will cause Progeny to crash
PROGENY (DB ver. 10101)
Unplanned, 5/20/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10101)
Scheduled, 5/14/2019Enhancements
- User Maintenance - Added the ability to create external users for use in ODBC connections outside of the Progeny application
Bug Fixes
- Actions - Action failed error occurs when setting the value of a required field for multiple samples
- Analysis - In certain cases when running a Custom Export the query on the Pedigrees tab and Additional Fields would pre populate
- Automated Backups - The confirmation message box to save changes was appearing when no changes had been made
- Data Sheet - System field names are displaying sometimes in embedded tables in data sheets
- Fields - Table summary fields using min and max are not ignoring NULL values
- Pedigree - In certain cases deleting one parent of a child will break the connection to the remaining parent
- Pedigree - SmartDraw is sometimes moving individuals so that unnecessary diagonal relationship lines are drawn, sometimes crossing other lines
- Spreadsheet - If you go back to Edit the spreadsheet format with unsaved changes, those changes will be lost
PROGENY (DB ver. 10091)
Unplanned, 3/21/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10091)
Unplanned, 3/7/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10091)
Scheduled, 2/26/2019Enhancements
- Genetic Testing - Change VUS system field to catch "Variant of Unknown Significance" along with "VUS"
Bug Fixes
- Fields - Deleting fields is failing in certain cases
- Actions - When entering "Action Notes" for a sample a database error occurs
- Datasheets - Progeny will crash when tabbing through a table if the table is narrow enough to require a scrollbar
- Risk Analysis - The Boadicea export is failing to save
PROGENY (DB ver. 10089)
Unplanned, 2/19/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10089)
Unplanned, 2/8/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10089)
Unplanned, 2/5/2019
PROGENY (DB ver. 10089)
Scheduled, 1/21/2019Bug Fixes
- Fields - Summary fields don't work when referencing a computed field which includes a field from another level
- Pedigrees - Computed/summary pedigree level fields do not differentiate between pedigrees and sub-pedigrees
PROGENY (DB ver. 10084)
Unplanned, 12/7/2018
PROGENY (DB ver. 10084)
Scheduled, 11/8/2018Enhancements
- Fields - Track deleted fields in an internal audit table
PROGENY (DB ver. 10083)
Scheduled, 9/19/2018Enhancements
- Actions - When creating multiple samples would like a message telling you "1 of x" as other Reactions/Actions are being carried out on the sample
- Actions - Change the prompt to read "Close this window or scan in a new sample/Action barcode" after an action is completed
Bug Fixes
- Fields - Properly delete skip logic rows from the DB when fields are deleted
PROGENY (DB ver. 10083)
Unplanned, 8/29/2018Bug Fixes
- Actions - Reactions using the system field Sample Folder failing due to permission bug
- Actions - Erasing data in fields when nothing is entered
- Import - When loading a pedigree from text, IDS format is still created even when option is unchecked
- Import - When loading a pedigree from text, IDS format should have name of pedigree
- Datasheet - If you scroll too far horizontally in a table, you will see blank space
- Main - Creating a new database only shows three modules initially
- Spreadsheet - When using the filter drop down on spreadsheets, data is not displaying
PROGENY (DB ver. 10080)
Unplanned, 7/5/2018
PROGENY (DB ver. 10080)
Unplanned, 6/28/2018
PROGENY (DB ver. 10080)
Unplanned, 6/14/2018Bug Fixes
- User Maintenance - For users that have "Use class based options" checked, "Test Results" is always checked
PROGENY (DB ver. 10076)
Unplanned, 5/16/2018Bug Fixes
- Actions - A reaction that updates the Volume system field causes the Action to fail if no value inserted into the field
PROGENY (DB ver. 10067)
Unplanned, 5/3/2018
PROGENY (DB ver. 10067)
Unplanned, 4/26/2018Bug Fixes
- Actions - Progeny crashes when clicking "OK" in the New or Edit Action dialog for any Action which has Reactions in it
PROGENY (DB ver. 10067)
Scheduled, 4/9/2018Enhancements
- Pedigrees - Added ability to change the vital status and gender for multiple individuals at once
- Spreadsheet - Improvement made to handle very large spreadsheets
Bug Fixes
- Actions - Prompt per Sample do not function correctly with required fields
- Datasheet - Hyperlink fields intermittently did not take into account scrolling for opening documents
- Datasheet - Some table fields hide data being entered until you click outside of the table field
- Main - Deleting a folder will intermittently not delete its subfolder’s pedigrees
- Pedigrees - Pathogenic Results system field is not displaying on subtext
- Spreadsheet - Intermittent issues with opening pedigrees from spreadsheets
- Workflows - Next Stage option continues to show for batches of samples when no Next Stage is available
PROGENY (DB ver. 10065)
Unplanned, 3/6/2018Enhancements
- User Maintenance - Add configuration option to control access to the Test Results functionality in the Web Client
PROGENY (DB ver. 10058)
Scheduled, 2/21/2018Enhancements
- Fields - Display a warning message when editing or deleting a field that is used (or referenced by a field that is used) in the Risk Analysis calculations
- User Maintenance - Add configuration option to limit the ability to edit Questionnaires and Templates in the Invites Module in the Web Client
Bug Fixes
- Fields - "Pathogenic Results" system field does not work in a computed field
- Fields - Change Test Results system field from "Positive Results" to "Pathogenic Results"
- Fields - In certain cases it is not possible to edit Table Summary Fields if they use the Count function
- Pedigrees - Hooks are not drawing correctly for cousins who are on the same line
- Symbols - The IN operator is not working properly in some cases for table subfields of type drop down or date
PROGENY (DB ver. 10030)
Unplanned, 1/4/2018Bug Fixes
- General - Fix Help menu options for "User Manual" and "Learning Center"
- General - Unnecessary records are getting added to the login history table after the initial login
PROGENY (DB ver. 10030)
Unplanned, 11/21/2017
PROGENY (DB ver. 10030)
Unplanned, 11/15/2017
PROGENY (DB ver. 10030)
Unplanned, 11/7/2017Bug Fixes
- Actions - Update Value reactions are not working correctly with fields that have a Unique Value validation
PROGENY (DB ver. 10030)
Scheduled, 8/10/2017Bug Fixes
- Actions - Print reactions always fail with a database error (this was not part of the original release and was added)
- Importing - Pedigree imports will fail if an individual in the pedigree has an individual name containing an apostrophe
- Importing - Cyrillic pedigree import is not importing marker data correctly
PROGENY (DB ver. 10020)
Scheduled, 5/9/2017Bug Fixes
- Actions - Unless a user is set as the Administrator the system will not allow you to move samples to the next stage of a workflow if you have security set up on the action
- LDAP - Cannot change or set LDAP password when containing certain special characters such as '!' or '%'
- LDAP - Cannot enter more than 20 characters into the password edit control on the LDAP setup dialog
- Pedigrees and Individuals - Deleting individuals can take a really long time in certain databases with a lot of people and user table rows
- User Maintenance - Changing the temp password causes database error when the end user tries to login with the new temp password
PROGENY (DB ver. 10015)
Unplanned, 4/3/2017Bug Fixes
- User Maintenance - Cannot change progeny user's password when including certain special characters
PROGENY (DB ver. 10015)
Unplanned, 2/6/2017
PROGENY (DB ver. 10015)
Scheduled, 3/23/2017Enhancements
- Imports - Allow users to import table rows during a Pedigree, Individual, or Sample import through the import module
- User Maintenance - Improved password requirements
Bug Fixes
- Actions - "Use default printer" and "Specify printer" do not print when chosen in a print reaction
- Actions - Position system field causing errors when moving samples into a full container
- Pedigree - Icon symbols are unnecessarily getting loaded twice when a pedigree is opened
- Pedigree - Icon symbols are not loading efficiently for subpedigrees
- User Maintenance - When class settings are used, "Enforce Data Entry Validations" is always checked regardless of the classes' actual settings
- User Maintenance - Usernames created with a space at the end lead to a database error
- Validations - Error messages are not very clear when violations are displayed
PROGENY (DB ver. 10005)
Unplanned, 2/6/2017
PROGENY (DB ver. 10005)
Unplanned, 1/5/2017Bug Fixes
- Exporting - Save (Pedigree, Individual, or Sample) as Text was failing due to corrupted fields in certain databases
PROGENY (DB ver. 10005)
Unplanned, 12/14/2016Bug Fixes
- Pedigree - SmartDraw is taking a really long time to run in certain cases if you have "Recalculate All Positions" checked in the Properties dialog
PROGENY (DB ver. 10005)
Scheduled, 12/5/2016Enhancements
- Action Groups - Additional buttons have been added to the New/Edit Action Group Dialog to more easily reorder and remove the actions in a group
Bug Fixes
- Fields - Last Modified and Modified By are not getting updated properly for Pedigrees, Individuals, Samples, or Markers when table data is changed in a spreadsheet
- Main Screen - Folder trees are not getting reordered alphabetically when folder names are changed
- Pedigree - Some minor drawing improvements to handle great aunts and uncles better
- Samples - Scan Mode is not enforcing folder level security settings
- Samples - Barcode printing from Scan Mode does not allow multiple copies to be printed
PROGENY (DB ver. 10002)
Unplanned, 11/17/2016Bug Fixes
- Importing - Pedigrees were not importing through the Import module